9 DECEMBER2024W MAN LEADERGLOBAL W MAN LEADERGLOBAL NEWS BITESWomen's Federation for World Peace has named Jaime Kanani Green, the First Lady of Hawaii as a Global Women Peace Ambassador. In addition, this organisation has been working since 1994, with headquarters in New York.Being active for 30 years, it works to unite women while promoting peace globally. As per the Office of the Governor, the organisation has its presence in more than 100 countries. Recently, it honoured Jaime, considering her work in peace promotion and cooperation across diverse cultures.Moreover, she has been recognised for her working efforts of bridging divides of religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.She said, "This award is not just a personal recognition. It reflects our shared vision to create a peaceful, unified global society where empathy, care and cooperation serve as the foundation for lasting change".Furthermore, the Global Women Peace Ambassador title usually is given to people who demonstrate strong leadership while working towards the greater good of people. Since Jaime has done numerous works with regards to peace and tranquillity, she is being honoured with the award to emphasize her leadership excellence, letting the world know about her good deeds. Her moves all throughout her life is a true motivation for everyone. WFWP NAMES JAIME KANANI GREEN AS GLOBAL WOMEN PEACE AMBASSADOR
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