9 DECEMBER2023W MAN LEADERGLOBAL W MAN LEADERGLOBAL NY AG BACKS FEARLESS FOUNDATION FOR WOMEN OF COLOUR ENTREPRENEURSNEWS BITESA coalition of 19 attorneys general, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James, has petitioned the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to support the Fearless Foundation's aim of empowering women of colour businesses. The American Alliance for Equal Rights is suing the nonprofit group, citing an 1866 legislation meant to protect freed slaves from discrimination.The proposal was opposed by Attorney General James, who stated, "Using a law to protect newly freed slaves from discrimination as a basis to stop charities from investing in women of colour entrepreneurs is not only legally wrong, it defies common sense." The Fearless Foundation offers funding, coaching, and help to historically underrepresented populations, addressing the long-standing economic inequities that these entrepreneurs confront.The petitioner claims that a clause of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 forbids the Fearless Foundation from providing grants to Black women entrepreneurs. Attorney General James and the coalition, on the other hand, argue that the rationale is incorrect, underlining that the law should not be used to stymie individual philanthropic donations to neglected areas.This court dispute reflects Attorney General James's larger efforts to prevent racial discrimination. The submitted amicus brief seeks to secure the Fearless Foundation's ongoing operation and highlights the organization's role in generating economic possibilities for women of minority entrepreneurs. The organization emphasizes that the rule was adopted by Congress during Reconstruction to prevent discrimination against African Americans, not to restrict charity donations to minority groups.Attorneys general from numerous states join Attorney General James in the amicus brief, highlighting the significance of supporting activities that elevate, empower, and inspire historically oppressed populations. The Division of Appeals and Opinions is handling the matter, with Assistant Solicitor General Anagha Sundararajan, Deputy Solicitor General Jeffrey Lang, and Solicitor General Barbara D. Underwood at the helm.
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