8 JUNE2024W MAN LEADERGLOBAL W MAN LEADERGLOBAL CONGRESS DISCUSSES ONBOARDING MORE WOMEN IN US ARMED FORCESNEWS BITESIn order to solve the problem of Americans not joining the armed forces, the Congress has added few options, allowing women to join the draft.In this hard time for US military, an annual defence policy bill has been passed by the House of Representatives, containing a bipartisan proposal for the draft's maximum age expansion. This was used last in the year 1973 when the military needed men for the Vietnam War era i.e., 25-26.Missouri Sen stated, "We need to get reality back in check here." Josh Hawley, a Republican added, "There shouldn't be women in the draft. They shouldn't be forced to serve if they don't want to." In addition, the draft for including women is not supported by every person in Congress, exemplifying the unequal ratio of people' assistance towards this initiative. The Republicans aren't on board, resulting the House and Senate proposals having less chance of becoming the law.Due to the recruitment issues in the US Military, the Congress shall continue to hold reforms to the US Draft system, hoping to make the situation better and have more people joining in the armed forces. This initiative shall benefit the US military and even show how women can also take part in the and forces with their courage and bravery.
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