5 OCTOBER2024W MAN LEADERGLOBAL W MAN LEADERGLOBAL UPCOMING ISSUESEditor's NoteIndian Women Professionals Breaking Down Gender-based Stereotypes GloballyLately, the world is seeing more and more women entrepreneurs and business leaders owning their success with aplomb.Throughout generations and across all geographies, women's roles & responsibilities have been attached more to home-keeping and caregiving. But, with time women's roles have evolved in new directions. Much of the world used to believe that establishing and running successful businesses was a man's job. But today we have plethora of women breaking this stereotype by becoming successful leaders. Any comprehension of Indian women, their identities, and especially their role in forging new roads will be incomplete without a journey through the corridors of Indian history, where women paused, lived, and internalised uncountable role models. Some have travelled overseas and pursued entrepreneurship, while others have pursued jobs, some in the entertainment industry, some in positions of leadership, and millions more have adopted traditional societal duties.India has one of the highest rates of immigration to Australia. Women's experiences are shaped by multidimensional mixed sociocultural context long before they migrate and become entrepreneurs. Indian women carefully manage expected gender conventions. Migration and entrepreneurship are critical for these women, who must balance family and community norms and power structures while gaining new economic and social resources. In the current edition of Women Entrepreneurs Review introduces you to few such women leaders. Read on and do let us know your thoughts. Rachita SharmaManaging Editor
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