9 JULY2024W MAN LEADERGLOBAL W MAN LEADERGLOBAL NEWS BITESA new study has been taken out by MDIC that reveals trade costs in addition to barriers affect smaller companies disproportionately. It prevents them from seeking out global markets that some or the other way disturbs their business and measures are required to be taken in order to reduce the entering costs of international market because majority of women-owned companies are micro and small.According to the report, women come across cultural barriers as well as additional challenges nearly everywhere in the world once they come to a decision of starting their business or accessing the financial system. Some other majors are obtaining credits.Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service's (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas/Sebrae) coordinator of the Sebrae Delas program, Renata Malheiros stated, "At Sebrae we discovered that women spend 17% fewer hours at their companies than men do. In general, these women are taking care of children, of the elderly and carrying out unpaid household chores. Care work is super important, but it takes time and is usually unpaid."Additionally, Gisela Davico who's from international organization Better than Cash Alliance added, "Often a woman has a single cell phone for her entire family, or does not have any connectivity because she lives in a rural area. There are so many challenges. and, in general, women invest in the well-being of their families. So providing access to financial services can offer dignity to entire families."WOMEN FACE HARSHER ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHALLENGES, FINDS NEW REPORT
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