

Gerlinde Spitzl: Catalyst Of Healthcare Innovation & Organizational Transformation

Gerlinde Spitzl: Catalyst Of Healthcare Innovation & Organizational Transformation

Gerlinde Spitzl

The role of a CEO is pivotal, which encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that involve strategic planning, decision-making, organizational leadership, and ensuring the overall success and growth of the company. CEOs typically set the company's vision, define its goals, and develop strategies to achieve those objectives. Gerlinde Spitzl, CEO of Universitares Zentrum fur Zahnmedizin Basel (UZB), paved her way into healthcare management and leadership by a formative experience during her childhood. Gerlinde Spitzl's grandmother's hospital tenure granted her occasional visits during breaks, allowing glimpses into the director's routine. Witnessing the director's structured schedule left a lasting impression on her and ignited her ambition to pursue a career in healthcare administration.

Commencing her journey as a medical assistant, Gerlinde later delved into medicine for three semesters before realizing a stronger affinity for organizational and managerial aspects. This realization led her to pursue business administration studies in Regensburg, followed by further academic pursuits in health economics across Ingolstadt and Manchester. Driven by her enduring interest in psychology, she culminated her academic achievements with a psychology bachelor's degree from Zurich. Embracing her diverse interests, she pursued numerous additional education and training courses, expanding her knowledge base across various domains to broaden her perspective. Let’s hear more from her.

Describe the formative years of your life. What early experiences significantly influenced and shaped the person you are today?

Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I possessed a strong inclination toward freedom and self-reliance. In retrospect, raising three children likely posed a considerable challenge for my parents due to my independent nature. My grandfather played a significant role during my upbringing, imparting invaluable wisdom and instilling core values in me, such as empathy, generosity, warmth, and most notably, independence. His teachings emphasized the importance of pursuing one's aspirations relentlessly, refusing to abandon dreams but rather embracing and living them to the fullest.

Moreover, between the ages of 12 and 16, I spent four transformative years in a boarding school situated within a Catholic monastery. It was during this time that I grasped the necessity of standing firm and resolute to accomplish my goals. I learned the value of perseverance and not succumbing to challenges before striving for their resolution.

You have built an illustrious career in the field of healthcare. Can you take us through your vast and expansive professional journey so far?

Throughout my extensive healthcare career, I began in a Bavarian hospital where I gained comprehensive insights across various hospital departments, which proved invaluable in subsequent endeavors. In 1999, I transitioned to the University Hospital Regensburg, overseeing the organization and administration of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, marking my foray into international work and research. Moving to a clinic under the German Pension Insurance in 2001, I orchestrated a significant overhaul, rejuvenating outdated services and infrastructure. This period underscored my strength in restructuring and implementing ambitious organizational changes. Relocating to Switzerland in 2007, I managed two clinics across countries, contributing to the introduction of new remuneration systems and digitalization.

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At Zurich University Hospital in 2009, I was co-responsible for the reorganization of 42 clinics into nine divisions and delved into large-scale imaging technology, kindling a passion. Managing a hospital group's clinic in 2014 posed fresh challenges post-merger, culminating in financial stability by 2017. Since 2021, I have assumed a role at the University Centre of Dentistry in Basel, continuing my impactful journey in healthcare management.

Introduce Universitares Zentrum fur Zahnmedizin Basel UZB.

UZB stands as a premier hub for dental care, recognized nationally and internationally for its excellence in the field. About 90 000 Patients visit every year the clinic. Within its premises, we provide a comprehensive spectrum of dental services, ranging from fundamental oral care to highly specialized treatments, all delivered in a top-tier environment. Our goal is to cater to the entire population, offering quality dental solutions conveniently housed under one roof. The UZB contributes excellent dental education (more then 100 Students per year) and research in collaboration with the university of basel.

What pivotal roles do you undertake as the CEO of Universitares Zentrum fur Zahnmedizin Basel UZB? Please elaborate on your primary areas of focus in guiding this healthcare institution.

My role as the CEO at UZB is remarkably diverse, offering an exciting array of responsibilities. Acting as a liaison is a significant facet; I bridge various professional groups, such as administration and medical staff, or between social and university-based dental practitioners. Similarly, I navigate between different stakeholders—be it the university, the canton, or our esteemed Board of Directors—each with distinct needs that require harmonization, all while keeping UZB's core missions in patient care, research, and education at the forefront.

An essential part of my role involves inspiring our workforce, steering them toward our shared objectives— the guiding 'North Star.' While aspiring to be a role model, I understand this isn't always achievable, yet I aim to exemplify traits like effective communication, transparency, empathy, and unwavering honesty. Additionally, I strive to serve as a supportive figure within the organization, engaging in discussions with employees, understanding their challenges, and offering assistance to address and resolve these issues.

In your opinion what have been the biggest ‘wins’ that you have achieved so far in your professional journey? What is your success mantra?

In my professional journey, several notable achievements stand out. One significant triumph was steering UZB towards profitability within three years and fostering a unified corporate culture among the amalgamated seven clinics post the 2022 reorganization. Additionally, pioneering the resource and capacity management system in the German-speaking sphere marks another milestone.

Introducing lean management in the Basel and hospital group remains a success story. This restructuring facilitated swift access to crucial decision-making data daily, significantly enhancing the company's agility and interdepartmental collaboration.

My success mantra centers on perseverance, positivity, and optimism. I firmly believe in leading by example, advocating for personal change to influence collective transformation. Infusing enthusiasm and inspiration among employees stems from one's own ability to inspire, facilitated further by a positive demeanor and a welcoming smile.

Gerlinde Spitzl, CEO, Universitares Zentrum For Zahnmedizin Basel (UZB)

Gerlinde Spitzl, CEO of Universitares Zentrum fur Zahnmedizin Basel (UZB), is a trailblazer in healthcare management. With a background rooted in diverse education and training, she embarked on a journey from medical assistant to a psychology bachelor. Gerlinde's childhood exposure to hospital dynamics fueled her passion for healthcare administration. As the CEO of UZB, she orchestrates transformative changes, fosters unity post-reorganization, and champions profitability, embodying a success mantra of perseverance and positive leadership.


Universitares Zentrum fur Zahnmedizin Basel (UZB)