

Lamia Asag-Gau: Modernizing Marketing With A Consumer-Focused Approach

Lamia Asag-Gau: Modernizing Marketing With A Consumer-Focused Approach

Lamia Asag-Gau
Chief Marketing Officer

In the fast-paced and ever-changing commercial world, the role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has become increasingly critical. A great CMO not only needs to have a deep understanding of the market and the customer but also needs to be able to build a strong brand that resonates with consumers and drives business growth. One of the noteworthy CMOs is Lamia Asag-Gau, the Chief Marketing Officer of Elevate Brands. Born and raised in the Netherlands to Moroccan parents, Lamia's diverse background has given her an edge in the marketing world that few can match. With a Master of Science in international business from Erasmus University and extensive experience working in every aspect of marketing at Unilever, Lamia has honed her expertise over the years, becoming a true force to be reckoned with in the industry.

But Lamia's journey to success didn't come without its challenges. Prior to her career at Unilever, she traveled extensively and even took part in an MBA program in Argentina during her master's in the Netherlands. It was during this time that she discovered her passion for marketing and decided to pursue it further. And her hard work has paid off, with Unilever investing heavily in her development, providing her with the time and resources to truly understand the consumer at an intimate level. Now, as the CMO of Elevate Brands, Lamia continues to bring her unique perspective to the table, placing the consumer's needs and desires at the forefront of everything they do. Global Women Leader Magazine is thrilled to share the journey of this marketing powerhouse.

Tell me about any specific business challenges you've faced as a marketing leader.

There are several challenges, one of which is the pressure on profitability that has arisen in the wake of COVID-19. As people have returned to normal shopping habits, the e-commerce landscape has become more competitive, and startups like ours are expected to deliver profitable growth, not just growth for growth's sake. This requires a delicate balance between investing in initiatives that attract new users and ensuring that they have a return on investment. Another challenge is standing out in a crowded marketplace where anyone can set up a brand. To differentiate ourselves, we prioritize selling a fantastic product with great reviews and ratings, and then focus on explaining its value to customers in a unique way. As a CMO, I prioritize market research, monitor industry trends, and use data analytics to gain consumer insights. This helps us allocate resources smartly and create impactful marketing campaigns that drive good business results. Overall, it's an exciting time to be in this field, and I'm constantly learning and adapting to new challenges.

What have been the biggest ‘wins’ that you have achieved so far?

I'd say the first was my work on Blue Band, one of Unile­ver's flagship brands in Southeast Asia. While the brand had a rich history and a loyal customer base, it was be­coming increasingly commoditized. To turn it around, I drove an innovation initiative that revolutionized the product, delivering enhanced nutritional properties and improved consumer well-being. Additionally, I worked on sustainability initiatives to reduce packaging waste and spent time in rural areas of Indonesia to observe how customers used the product. These projects helped me understand the emotional and functional aspects of marketing and ultimately helped turn the brand around.

Another significant project was my work on Lux, a beauty-focused brand that celebrates unapologetic fem­ininity. My task was to bring the brand's purpose to life, which centered on the idea that women don't have to choose between beauty and intelligence. I developed a campaign called 'Lux Search Words #IntoTheSpotlight', which showcased the achievements and stories of wom­en in the Middle East. This project won three awards at the Spikes Asia Awards in 2019, and I'm incredibly proud of it. Before leaving the company, I also oversaw the de­velopment of the New Master Brand Visual Identity for Lux evolving it to be leading with an aspirational expres­sion of beauty across all markets globally.

In terms of my work with Elevate, the transition from a massive FMCG to a startup was exciting. One of my sig­nificant accomplishments was developing a successful influencer marketing campaign that resulted in a 25 per­cent increase in sales. Additionally, I helped reposition the brand to appeal to a wider audience and established a new brand purpose that focused on empowering indi­viduals to be their best selves. These milestones were in­credibly fulfilling, and I'm excited to continue making an impact in the world of marketing.

What defines your leadership style, and do you have a particular philosophy or mantra that has contributed to your success?

Having studied leadership extensively during my master's program and written my dissertation on service leadership, I understand the importance of adapting leadership style to fit the individuals on your team and the phase of life you're in. As a performance-driven leader, I have high expectations for my team but also value their well-being. I prioritize mental and physical health and am flexible about scheduling to achieve work-life balance. I view missed expectations as learning opportunities to improve. Overall, I strive to be an empathetic and understanding leader who challenges my team to grow and fulfill their potential. It's a balance, but I believe that people appreciate the challenge and feel seen and heard while also having high expectations for their work.

How do you anticipate the global marketing landscape will change and evolve?

Marketing is evolving at a rapid pace, and to succeed, we must build strong relationships with consumers and bring value to their lives. This involves creating compelling products and resonating content. While AI like ChatGPT and other emerging technologies make it easier to understand our target audience, we must use this data wisely by asking insightful questions to understand what motivates them and earn their trust. What used to take weeks of meticulous research can now be accomplished in a mere few seconds. AI also presents marketers with an abundance of data, offering an unprecedented wealth of information to leverage. The need for speed and scalability has never been more crucial, necessitating a shift away from outdated methodologies.

It is essential for marketing professionals to jump aboard this transformative train and adapt their practices accordingly. Embracing emerging technologies is no longer a choice but a prerequisite for success. A plethora of possibilities through these innovative tools, makes traditional marketing approaches appear antiquated. The only way out is constantly learning and embracing change, so that we can thrive and continue to meet customer needs in a dynamic market.

Tell us about the key strategies and tools you leverage in your role as the CMO at Elevate Brands.

My key marketing strategies employ a strong emphasis on brand portfolio optimization. Recognizing the inherent challenges of managing a diverse portfolio, I understand the need for focused attention and resource allocation.

When there is a company boasting 30 different brands, it becomes apparent that dividing efforts equally among all of them would yield suboptimal results. Our impact would be diluted, hindering our ability to generate meaningful outcomes. Therefore, my initial step in formulating an effective marketing strategy revolves around a thorough evaluation of our brand landscape. During this assessment, I carefully consider various factors such as profitability, customer sentiment, and brand affinity to select the top brands to focus on. Market size alone does not dictate the potential for success; rather, I examine the blend of factors to identify brands that possess a unique advantage.

"Marketing is evolving at a rapid pace, & to succeed, we must build strong relationships with consumers & bring value to their lives"

By meticulously weighing these considerations, I am able to make informed decisions on which brands and products warrant our primary focus. This selective approach ensures that our marketing efforts are concentrated on the brands with the greatest potential for profitable growth and market penetration.

What’s the vision and roadmap for Elevate Brands’ next growth phase?

Elevate Brands' next growth phase revolves around a merger we have announced recently, we are in a post-merger integration phase. The purpose of this merger is to join forces with a prominent aggregator in Europe, aiming to scale and tap into complementary strengths of brands. Our primary focus remains on growing beloved brands and delivering exceptional customer experiences, as brand building continues to be a core aspect of our future strategy. We aim to drive synergies and improve operational efficiencies. Ensuring the long-term health of our business and attracting investor interest remains vital. By optimizing our operations and leveraging synergies, we create a strong foundation for sustainable growth and continued success.

Lamia Asag-Gau, Chief Marketing Officer, Elevate Brands

A lovely mother to two beautiful girls and also an inspiring leader, Lamia with her unique perspective on life and her ability to empathize with consumers. She has gained invaluable expertise in every aspect of marketing during her time at Unilever and beyond. As the CMO of Elevate Brands, Lamia is responsible for overseeing all marketing initiatives and strategies for various private-label brands, utilizing a hands-on approach to design and implement successful marketing plans.


Elevate Brands