

Mel Dominguez: Transforming Dreams Into Public Relations Success

Mel Dominguez: Transforming Dreams Into Public Relations Success

Mel Dominguez
CEO & President

In the dynamic landscape of the Philippines, women CEOs are increasingly challenging stereotypes and making remarkable strides in various industries. Mel Dominguez stands as an exemplary figure, not merely confined by gender norms but transcending them with her visionary leadership. Raised in a family that valued fairness and integrity, Mel's journey from a journalism graduate to a trailblazing entrepreneur is marked by resilience.

As a single mother, she navigated challenges and emerged stronger, entering the PR field with an accidental yet purposeful stride. Her story is one of courage, tenacity, and a commitment to redefining success on her terms.

Engaging in an idiosyncratic interaction with The Global Women Leader magazine, Mel shares the astounding details of her journey as one of the influencing leaders in Philippines. Let’s delve into it.

What inspired you to establish Dominguez Marketing Communications? Also, tell us about the underlying idea behind the venture.

As a single mother of three (now 4), my primary moti­vation was to secure a stable income for my children. Our journey at Dominguez Marketing Communica­tions began in 1995 with just a business card, a laptop, and unwavering determination. Driven by the need to adapt and learn quickly, we attracted prominent cli­ents early on, compelling us to navigate the industry with limited experience.

Now, with 29 years of experience, we've evolved into a Filipino-owned PR Agency, offering comprehensive services in Public Relations, Event Management, Digital Marketing, and Creative Design. The Ying Yang in our logo symbolizes the commitment to lasting collaborations, a philosophy that has fostered loyalty both among clients, some spanning over a decade, and employees, with the first team member still with me after 29 years. I take pride in this loyalty, understanding that it mirrors the respect and care I extend as a leader.

What are the various responsibilities that you shoulder as Dominguez Marketing Communications’ founder & CEO?

As the founder and CEO of Dominguez Marketing Communications, my role spans nurturing the company's ethos and steering its evolution into a thriving 29-year-old entity. Ensuring profitability, I've strategically appointed business unit heads to collaborate in running the operations seamlessly. A crucial aspect of our success lies in the ‘Dominguez way’ which is a set of protocols and values that new associates, managers, or directors undergo, aligning them with our core principles.

While delegating responsibilities, I maintain a hands-on approach, mentoring and fostering a culture of diligence and honesty. The Dominguez way emphasizes delivering without overpromising, constantly challenging ourselves, and encouraging employees to unfold their best versions.

"Success, to me, is not just about accomplishments but about the positive influence we have on our team & the industry"

My key priority is safeguarding our company culture and core values, ensuring fairness, democracy, and teamwork, allowing creativity to flourish while providing steadfast guidance. I take pride in fostering an environment where everyone, from managers to messengers, contributes to Dominguez's continued success.

You possess almost three decades of professional experience. Could you tell us about the major challenges that you have encountered along the way and how did you navigate these roadblocks?

Leading Dominguez Marketing Communications for 29 years has been a journey marked by diverse chal­lenges, both internal and external. From hiring the wrong person to facing theft within the company or navigating the complexities of dealing with the press and external stakeholders, challenges have been manifold. As someone who humbly began with just a business card and unwavering determination, I've learned to approach challenges with adaptabili­ty and resilience.

I've found inspiration in my loyal employees, some with me from the beginning, reinforcing my commitment to their well-being. Despite setbacks, I continue with humility, reminding myself that the success of Dominguez Marketing Communications ultimately depends on my determination, focus, and ability to lead with courage.

What are some of the biggest milestones that you have achieved in your professional journey?

The greatest victories in my professional journey extend beyond notable clients and successful proj­ects to the trust earned and consistent performance at Dominguez Marketing Communications. Working with global giants like HP, Cisco, Microsoft, Net­flix, and Twitter has been noteworthy, but the true milestones lie in enduring client referrals and our unwavering commitment to exceeding expectations.

More profoundly, my proudest achievements involve mentoring young talents who've evolved into industry leaders, clients, and regional partners, shaping their careers and lives.

As a business leader, what has been your success mantra over the years?

My success mantra as a business leader centers on being a trusted role model with unwavering in­tegrity. To sustain leadership, one must earn trust through honesty and consistency. By setting an ex­ample of dedication and authenticity, I've fostered a culture where commitment and excellence become contagious.

A business leader you admire and why: Rina Filart, my former boss at the first company, a reseller of HP, has been my inspirational woman leader, guiding a 200-employee-strong organization with heart and humanity.

Message for aspiring women leaders and entre­preneurs: In navigating a world where challenges, discrimination, and harassment may lurk, especial­ly for women in business, I advocate for the cour­age to dream and imagine. Define your own path to success, despite the obstacles encountered along the way.

Mel Dominguez, CEO & President, Dominguez Marketing Communications

Mel Dominguez boasts over two decades of invaluable experience with major international and local brands. As a seasoned leader, she takes charge of key retainer accounts, including Twitter and Smart Telecommunications. Mel has cultivated robust relationships with print and online media, offering strategic counsel in issues and crisis management for both local and foreign clients. A vital member of the agency's crisis preparedness team, she provides insightful advice to navigate challenges.


Dominguez Marketing