

Myriam Buton: Leveraging Legal Strategies & Experience To Mark New Milestones

Myriam Buton: Leveraging Legal Strategies & Experience To Mark New Milestones

Myriam Buton
Chief Legal Officer

In the dynamic realm of the industrial sector, particularly as a thermal comfort specialist and manufacturer, companies play a vital role in advancing innovations for energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. At the helm of legal affairs within this growing industry is Myriam Buton who serves as the Chief Legal Officer, and member of the Executive Committee at Intuis, a leading thermal comfort specialist and manufacturer. Myriam’s pivotal role involves crafting robust legal strategies, securing company assets, and actively contributing to operational decisions. Covering diverse legal activities such as contracts, dispute resolution, and compliance, her multifaceted role is a reflection of her commitment to the legal and business success of the rapidly evolving Intuis Group, a subsidiary of the Glen Dimplex Group. Let’s hear more from Myriam Buton.

Could you share details about your educational background and what led you to pursue a career in law?

My journey into the field of law began at a remarkably young age, as I always had a clear inclination towards becoming a lawyer in the industry rather than a traditional law firm practitioner. This steadfast vision guided my educational choices, and I earned my bachelor's degree in literature at the age of 16. I remained dedicated to the pursuit of legal knowledge, culminating in a Master 2 in Business Law from the University of Paris XII. In 2019, I further enriched my qualifications by obtaining a Certificate of Professional Mediator from CPMN.

Law and business have been the foundational keystones of my life, fostering a perpetual passion for my profession. This dedication extends beyond the academic realm, as I sought practical experiences by attending court hearings in various global locations during my university years, including Africa, Asia, the USA, and Europe. This diverse exposure has contributed to my holistic understanding of justice and the intersection of law and business on a global scale.

Take us through your professional journey and tell us about your key areas of expertise.

Commencing as a Junior Legal Counsel at Thomson Group from 1985 to 1987, I actively participated in the Thomson-General Electric merger and handled corporate matters and negotiations. Joining the General Electric Group from 1987 to 1990, I delved into Southern Europe's legal landscape, gaining insights into compliance, commercial law, and corporate governance. Subsequently, my trajectory at STMICROELECTRONICS Group from 1990 to 2019 showcased my adaptability and leadership skills. My roles evolved from Senior Legal Counsel to Group Vice President, spanning diverse regions and legal domains. Noteworthy achievements include negotiating major contracts, spearheading international legal efforts, and playing a pivotal role in mergers and acquisitions.

In 2019, I ventured into mediation and academia, becoming a certified professional mediator and a university lecturer at SUP’ECOLIDAIRE. As the Chief Legal Officer at Intuis Group since 2021, I've undertaken the challenge of establishing an in-house legal function in a dynamic, transforming environment. My key areas of expertise encompass negotiation, business partnership, leadership, project management, and a comprehensive understanding of legal domains such as M&A, risk management, compliance, and real estate.

What are some significant challenges you face in your current role as a business leader at Intuis Group? Elaborate on the strategies you employ to overcome these hurdles.

The foremost challenge lies in the establishment of a new function from the ground up, encompassing the development of legal culture, processes, and approaches. Crafting a contractual strategy with customers, suppliers, and partners is another intricate task, demanding a delicate balance between security and risk assumption. Overcoming these roadblocks involves a strategic approach. Digitalization of the legal function is pivotal, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Balancing quick wins with major projects allows for tangible progress while addressing immediate needs. Adopting a step-by-step risk management approach helps prioritize urgent domains. Embracing simplicity and a problem-solving mindset prevents unnecessary complications. Patiently avoiding rapid, revolutionary changes and fostering a culture of understanding is crucial. As a business partner, I prioritize active listening, communication, and availability. The emphasis on training, mentoring, and educating individuals without passing judgment on past experiences fosters a collaborative spirit, working together to achieve shared goals and enable the company's growth. This commitment to a collective approach reflects our mantra: Team spirit is the key to winning and fostering the company's prosperity together.

“Law & business have been the foundational keystones of my life, fostering a perpetual passion for my profession”

What have been the most significant accomplishments or 'wins' in your professional journey thus far?

Negotiating impactful R&D deals, establishing successful legal functions in Morocco and Tunisia, and leading major M&A operations like GE/Thomson as well as partnerships and R&D alliances with Motorola, Philipps, Ericsson, showcase my strategic prowess. Resolving substantial claims in Asia and Europe, negotiating key contracts with Nokia, and fostering R&D collaborations in Israel further highlight my achievements. Success in dispute resolution underscores my consistent track record in effective negotiations. These accomplishments collectively reflect my ability to drive innovation, forge collaborations, and secure favorable outcomes throughout my professional journey. These collective accomplishments stand as milestones, illustrating my capacity to drive innovation, foster collaborations, and secure favorable results across diverse facets of my professional journey.

How would you define yourself as a leader, and what is your success mantra?

As a leader, my identity is shaped by several defining characteristics. I am a decisive decision-maker and problem solver, unwavering in upholding my values and assuming responsibilities, even in the most challenging situations. Collaborating closely with business colleagues, I am not afraid to take risks and share accountability.

My leadership style revolves around inspiring personal and professional growth and motivating individuals to achieve what may seem impossible. Loyalty and honesty are paramount in my interactions with management, team members, and various functions, reflecting a genuine care for people.

While my success mantra is, ‘Every challenge I face, even the most difficult ones, is an opportunity to grow, progress, and improve. Passion leads me to success and helps to create value and innovation’.

Myriam Buton, Chief Legal Officer, Intuis

Myriam Buton is the Chief Legal Officer at Intuis, and blends a profound legal acumen with a keen understanding of global business dynamics. With a journey that started with a Bachelor's in literature at 16 and culminated in a Master's 2 in Business Law, she spearheads legal strategies, safeguarding assets in the dynamic thermal comfort sector.

