

Richa Dubey: Paving Leadership Path By Focusing On Insights, Data Analytics & Global Leadership

Richa Dubey: Paving Leadership Path By Focusing On Insights, Data Analytics & Global Leadership

Richa Dubey
Partner & Global Head

Insights and analytics play a crucial role in shaping a company's strategy, as they offer a solid, evidence-based groundwork for projecting sales and profitability. RSB Insights and Analytics effectively combines the forces of creativity and technology to uncover valuable insights with a tangible impact on businesses. Richa Dubey, serving as the Partner and Global Head of Analytics at RSB Insights & Analytics, has played a pivotal role in the industry, significantly contributing to the organization's continued growth and success. She is a dynamic leader with extensive experience, holding global and regional roles at Unilever and Carlsberg, and shaping strategies at esteemed agencies like Kantar and Nielsen. Her professional focus centres on utilizing data to inform and shape business strategy, with specialized knowledge in areas such as social media and data analytics, innovations, user experience (UX), and customer experience (CX).

During a candid interview with our team, Richa provided insights into her personal life, her current industry, her future aspirations, and her family, including her daughter.

Could you describe the early years of your life and highlight some significant early influences that have had a lasting impact on your personal development?

I grew up in Lucknow, also known as the city of Nawabs before my family relocated to Delhi. My early years were shaped by strong female role models at home, as well as the inspirational presence of Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister. I fondly recall watching 'Udaan' on National TV, a show about Kiran Bedi, the first woman IPS officer, who defied gender norms. Throughout my academic journey, I gravitated towards areas where women were underrepresented, studying subjects like Mathematics and Statistics in college and pursuing an MBA at IIT Roorkee. Throughout my life, resilient women across different fields have consistently inspired me. Their strength, seen in both professional successes and personal triumphs, guides me in crucial decision-making moments.

With your two decades of experience, can you provide a deeper insight into the Global Analytics and insights Industry?

Market Research (MR) or Insights and Analytics (I&A) is often wrongly perceived as survey-centric, but its scope is broader. In this field, we serve as the discerning voice of consumers, offering unbiased insights into both consumers and markets. Our duties include collecting primary data through research, analyzing secondary data, and applying analytics for data-driven decisions. For instance, we assist companies in entering new markets by identifying consumer-preferred concepts, forecasting post-launch volumes, optimizing product variants, setting prices, understanding trends, and devising effective communication strategies.

In essence, insights & analytics are pivotal throughout the entire product lifecycle, serving as valuable tools for every consumer touchpoint.

“Recruiting & promoting from a diverse slate of candidates is essential. People who come from different backgrounds can draw upon their unique experiences & a wider range of knowledge to spark new, innovative ideas”

Drawing from your experience in Innovation, how can companies overcome innovation failures and adapt to changing consumer behaviours?

It's intriguing that only 10 percent of innovations succeed, with a significant 90 percent facing failure. This challenge often arises from companies adopting a conventional approach, mimicking competitors or introducing arbitrary variations.

In my view Consumer centricity is crucial for the success of innovations as it places the end-user at the core of the development process. Understanding and prioritizing the needs, preferences, and pain points of consumers ensure that innovations align with market demands. By actively involving consumers in the innovation journey, companies can create products and services that genuinely address real-world challenges and resonate with the target audience.

As consumer behaviours evolve, influenced by shifts in media interaction and purchasing habits, the profound impact of social media and e-commerce on choices is undeniable. A fresh perspective is crucial for innovation, as the prevailing process can feel limiting, lacking a broader outlook. With category lines blurring, learning from different industries is vital, as many companies tend to have a narrow viewpoint confined to their specific category.

“Building consumer-centricity is essential as preferences evolve & categories blur. Embracing cross-industry learning is key, ensuring companies don't restrict growth with narrow perspectives focused only on their category”

What are some of the specific areas of expertise you've cultivated as a leader in global analytics and insights?

I firmly believe in technology as a transformative force in Insights & Analytics. New-age technology has given rise to online consumer communities, revolutionizing how we gather insights. Social Media Analytics, enriched by existing consumer data, aids in understanding diverse cohorts and emerging trends. The strategic integration of AI enhances capabilities, including recommendation engines for targeting, cross-selling, and upselling, as well as bolstering video and image analytics. This synergistic approach with Data Modeling and primary consumer data elevates our analytical prowess, ensuring a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach in the dynamic field of Insights and analytics.

As a female leader, what defines your approach to leadership, and in your view, what are the challenges that women leaders encounter in today's corporate environment?

My leadership style is adaptable to the specific dynamics of each company or country's environment. Generally, it is anchored in several principles: understanding the company's strategic vision, a collaborative approach, recognizing and leveraging each team member's strengths while fostering their growth in areas where improvement is needed, encouraging freedom to experiment and learn from failure, and consistently aligning actions with words ('walk the talk').

Women have to navigate challenges like balancing career and parenting, overcoming gender and racial stereotypes, and challenging the glass ceiling effect. To support women, we need empathy, flexibility, and work-life balance, along with diverse hiring, DEI training, and holding leaders accountable.

Richa Dubey, Partner & Global Head, Rsb Insights & Analytics

Currently based in Copenhagen, Richa, a seasoned Insights & Data Analytics leader, brings vast experience from regional and global roles at Unilever and Carlsberg. Her expertise encompasses social media and data analytics, innovations, user experience (UX), and customer experience (CX). Beyond her rich work experience, Richa has completed programs at INSEAD and the University of Cambridge, further enriching her expertise.


RSB Insights & Analytics