
3rd Women in Business Conference to be Held in Savannah

By: GWL Team | Friday, 17 May 2024

In partnership with WJCL 22, Metropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (WIBC) is all set to host the 3rd Women in Business Conference & Expo on May 18, 2024 at Fairfield hotel Historic District Savannah. The conference shall begin at 8:00 a.m. and continue till 3:00 p.m.

With an assurance to unveil a unique approach, WIBC focuses on empowering and bolstering female entrepreneurs. For the preview of the event, WJCL 22 News has been joined by President & CEO of the Metropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Alfonso Ribot along with CEO of Gilliard and Company, Whitney Lam Gilliard at 4:00 p.m.

Prior to Metropolitan Savannah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Alfonso was the Owner / Chief Consultant at RHC Development Consultants Inc for 10 years. Besides, Whitney also serves as the Project Manager at Foster Care Alumni of America, National from last 6 years.

This conference shall give an exposure to the women entrepreneurs into the business dynamics and the market. While the importance is being given to women entrepreneurship, it will really help the society as a whole to balance out and maintain a good economic status globally. The participation of female entrepreneurs is also expected during the event.