
A veteran of the space industry named Nicole Robinson has joined the executive leadership team at Comtech

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Comtech announced that Nicole Robinson, a veteran of the space industry, has been named Chief Strategy Officer. Nicole's nearly two decades of leadership experience in the space industry have given him extensive knowledge and a unique understanding of the public, private, government, and commercial space sectors that are perfectly in line with Comtech's strategic objectives and global development trajectories.

Prior to joining Comtech, Nicole was in charge of transforming Ursa Space Systems from a start-up into a scale-up business by accelerating worldwide expansion and simplifying operations. A well-known supplier of satellite information and data analytics is Ursa Space Systems. Prior to this, Nicole served as Senior Vice President of Global Government at SES, the largest commercial satellite operator in the world.

"We are taking another step to enhance our executive team with an extremely intelligent leader who will be key in helping Comtech fulfil its major commercial objectives and have a lasting, constructive impact on the world," said Ken Peterman, president and chief executive officer of Comtech. Nicole will help Comtech implement overall space goals, find and track new end-to-end technical breakthroughs, and further strengthen our technology leadership across global markets, the business stated. Nicole has unrivalled understanding of the space sector.

Along with working with Comtech's Strategic Council to develop and implement priority space business pursuits, oversee the creation and application of new technologies, orchestrate global growth initiatives, and lead other global growth initiatives, Nicole will also oversee other priorities related to geospatial imagery and data as well as space communications in both domestic and international markets.

Nicole tacked on "It is a real honour to be a part of this exceptional team at this enthralling development and innovation time. Because of its unique culture of innovation, established technological leadership, and emphasis on the needs of its customers, Comtech continues to hold an unrivalled position to lead the way in democratising access to communications technologies and accelerating the convergence of global connectivity infrastructures."

Nicole is well-known across the satellite and space industries for holding several prominent board and leadership roles, including that of the president of the Society of Satellite Professionals International, the biggest professional association in the satellite and space industries. Nicole has also held roles at the Washington Space Business Roundtable and other organizations, and she previously spent two years as chair of the Hosted Payload Alliance. She is a member of "The FEW," an exclusive gathering of senior executive women, and she received the Society of Satellite Professionals International's 2012 Future Leaders Award.

Nicole graduated from the Senior Executives in National and International Security Program at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University after completing her undergraduate studies at Radford University. She also holds an MBA from Liberty University.