
Andrew Mitchell announces Higher Education Programme

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Andrew Mitchell, UK’s Deputy Foreign Secretary has made an announcement of £45 million higher education programme during the Education World Forum.

The programme shall deliver a better future for young people especially women and girls. It will build a better accessible learning environment for them so that they can explore while removing barriers that were preventing the next generation of leaders from enrolling in higher education.

The key focus of the programme is to benefit 1 million young people considering the improvements in their opportunities as well as employability.

In addition, businesses, universities and governments will be brought together by Strengthening Higher Education for Female Empowerment (SHEFE) in order to create 12 partnerships across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Mr. Andrew stated, “Greater gender equality brings freedom, boosts prosperity and strengthens global security. Countries can’t develop if half the population are held back from fulfilling their full potential.”

He added, “The UK is ensuring that the next generation of female teachers, doctors, inventors and leaders can unlock their potential without being held back by gender bias and discrimination. Education is the foundation for empowerment. It equips women and girls with the knowledge to challenge harmful norms and make informed decisions, including about their health.”