
Angkas Founder Angeline Tham Highlights importance of Empowering Women at Global Summit

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 11 May 2023

The founder of Angkas which is the leading motorcycle ride-hailing app in the Philippines, Angeline Tham has made a significant impact at this year's Global Summit of Women which was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 4-6 May 2023.

Several female leaders from a variety of industries from across the world participated in this event where they shared their knowledge, experience, and solutions to the issues affecting women in society.

Angeline expressed her journey to a career as a female entrepreneur in the transportation sector. She highlighted the challenges she faced while establishing a Filipino homegrown company, Angkas, a motorcycle ride-hailing service based in the Philippines.

Angeline highlighted the need for gender diversity in the tech industry and emphasized the importance of women's contribution to society.

Her participation in the Global Summit of Women showed the importance of women enrolled in the transportation industry. She is a true inspiration for many young female entrepreneurs as her achievements have served as a source of motivation. Her work at Angkas has proved it all.

Angeline also participated in the panel discussion held at the Summit where she spoke about the challenges faced by women in the transportation industry. She also made new connections at the summit by networking and mentorship sessions with other female leaders of various fields.