
Association for Promotion of Women Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan and WEIA sign Memorandum

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 9 February 2023

A memorandum of collaboration between the Center for International Development of Women's and Social Entrepreneurship WEIA and the Azerbaijan Women's Entrepreneurship Development Association has been inked, according to Trend.

Sakina Babayeva, the head of Azerbaijani Association, and Viktoriya Nalbandova, the CEO of the WEIA, both signed the pact at the start of the global women's conference on social entrepreneurship.At the signing event, Viktoriya mentioned that one of the goals of the agreement is to export the goods made by women entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan.

"We have renewed the Agreement in order to continue our cooperative efforts on the advancement of women's social entrepreneurship and to approach to social entrepreneurial in order to apply the best practises that are presently being used in Russia in Azerbaijan," she said.

"I am willing to support Azerbaijani women social entrepreneurs as a global authority on the subject of social entrepreneurship, especially through consultations. Getting corporations to support this initiative is one of the objectives of our collaboration "Added she.

Viktoriya emphasised that this meeting is a striking illustration of international relations.The Association of Women Entrepreneurship Development in Azerbaijan and the German "MediaOst Events und Kommunikation GmbH" signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on February 8.

In accordance with the memo, "Association of Women Entrepreneurship Development in Azerbaijan" and "Mediaost Events und Kommunikation GmbH" could well collaborate to forge civil society cooperation ties between Germany and Azerbaijan with the aim of advancing bilateral ties and fostering communication.