
BCRS Joins Investing in Women Code for Business Equality

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 6 February 2024

BCRS Business Loans has signed the Investing in Women Code, which is backed by the UK government, in a significant step toward promoting gender equality in business. The project seeks to empower women entrepreneurs by improving their access to critical tools, resources, and financial assistance.

This promise originates from the Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship, which identified a shortage of capital as a key barrier for women seeking to develop their firms. BCRS, a leading provider of business loans, vows to foster an inclusive workplace and endeavor to improve capital access for women entrepreneurs.

In fiscal year 2022-23, BCRS allocated 16% of its total loan to female-led enterprises, but data from the same year showed that 15% of SME employers were female-led. The organization's commitment to gender diversity extends to its leadership and lending teams, where 50% of executive directors and 57% of the lending staff are women. Overall, women make about 61% of the BCRS squad.

Stephen Deakin, Chief Executive of BCRS, stressed the organization's dedication to promoting female-led firms and assuring financial accessible for all business professionals, regardless of demographics. The Investing in Women Code, whose members include angel investment organizations, venture capitalists, and high-street banks, intends to help make the UK a more welcoming environment for female entrepreneurs.

The Rose Review 2023 highlighted the unprecedented development of over 150,000 all-female-founded enterprises in 2022. However, underfunding remains a barrier, and the analysis indicates that closing this gap could contribute £250 billion to the UK economy by attaining gender equality in establishing and developing enterprises.