
BRICS Women Business Alliance Discusses Digital Transition For Gender Equity, Its Prospects & Challenges

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 24 August 2023

The BRICS Women Business Alliance (WBA) recently convened a momentous session titled 'Digital Transition for Gender Equity: Unveiling Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges' in Durban. This session brought together influential figures from BRICS nations to delve into the profound impact of digital transformation in narrowing gender gaps within the business landscape.

The event, which was moderated by Dr. Thandeka Ellenson, gave panelists from each of the BRICS nations a forum for meaningful conversations. Dr. Aarti Gupta from India, Kristina Romanovskaya from Russia, Ji Xiaochen from China, and Veronica Motloutsi from South Africa.

Central to the discourse was the pivotal role of digital transition in advancing gender parity, coupled with the critical need to overcome challenges that might impede progress. Kristina initiated the conversation by underlining the imperative to digitize all facets of the economy.

Dr. Aarti Gupta, representing India, stressed the undeniable influence of technology on contemporary enterprises. She highlighted that nearly 90 percent of today's businesses depend on technology in diverse forms, accentuating the necessity of embracing digital transformation. With technology reshaping communication, trade, and operations through avenues like social media, e-commerce, and AI, a call to cultivate universal digital proficiency emerged, with a specific focus on empowering women.

All panelists passionately championed the participation of women in digital entrepreneurship. The potential of digital initiatives to propel women's integration into the global digital economy is enormous. Businesses led by women, often smaller in scale and revolving around retail and the informal sector, have the capacity to harness digital tools to operate remotely, expand their reach, and access untapped markets, thereby yielding significant efficiency gains.

The discussion underscored the transformative power of technology and highlighted the essential role of collaboration in overcoming the challenges women face in an era marked by digitalization. The discourse resonated as a compelling call to action, stressing the importance of working collectively to leverage technology's potential for gender equity.

The emphasis on digitizing the economy and encouraging women's active participation in the digital realm echoes the global push towards inclusivity and empowerment. Universal digital proficiency not only levels the playing field but also opens doors for women-led businesses to flourish, driving economic growth and innovation.

The session's insights reverberate beyond the walls of the conference room, serving as a clarion call for policymakers, business leaders, and individuals alike to prioritize gender equity in the digital age. By recognizing the transformative potential of technology and harnessing it to empower women, societies can create a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

The BRICS Women Business Alliance's pioneering initiative demonstrates the collective commitment of member nations to address gender imbalances and seize the opportunities presented by digital transformation. As technology continues to reshape industries and economies, it is imperative to ensure that women are not left behind but rather positioned at the forefront of the digital revolution. The collaboration among BRICS nations exemplifies the spirit of cooperation needed to drive positive change on a global scale.

In essence, the session encapsulated the spirit of progress and empowerment that arises when women's voices are amplified in discussions about the digital future. It served as a resounding reminder that technology when harnessed inclusively, can be a powerful force for gender equity and a catalyst for sustainable development in the modern world.