
Dr. Kuiljeit Uppal, the first image scientist in the world, honoured by Creative Women Platform in London

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 25 May 2023

The World's First Image Scientist Dr. Kuiljeit Uppaal's book, "Prim and Powerful," was published by Creative Women Platform, an international women's organisation in the UK that supports women and their professional journeys through business networking, connections, and mentorship opportunities, on May 12, 2023, at the Royal Automobile Club in London.

HRH Princess Michael of Kent, HRH Princess Katarina, Princess Katya Galitzine, Princess Councillor Peace Essien, HRH Queen Ronke Ademiluyi, Lady Colin Campbell, and Olga Balakleets, Founder & CEO of CW Platform, among many other prominent women business leaders and experts from around the world, graced the global event with their august presence.

The occasion, which commemorated King Charles III's coronation, was a turning point in British history. Renowned female business executives and professionals discussed their perspectives at lectures and panels. Dr. Kuiljeit Uppaal received the coveted "Creative Women Excellence Award" on this significant occasion in recognition of her remarkable contributions to international society and creative work.

Dr. Kuiljeit Uppaal, known as the "World's First Image Scientist," has received multiple national and international honours for his outstanding contributions to innovation, research, teaching, and social impact, including the Karmaveer Chakra Award from the United Nations and iCongo. She also received the prestigious "World Innovation Award - Hall of Fame Honour" 2019, "Bharat Gaurav Award" 2021, "Innovative Education Leadership Award for Excellence in Social Innovation & Global Impact" 2019, "1000 Women of Asia Award" 2021, "Naari Udyamita Puraskar" 2018, "WEF Exceptional Leader of Excellence Award 2021," and "Indian Excellence Award."

Dr. Kuiljeit has also received the prestigious title of "Genius Polymath" in recognition of her accomplishments as an image scientist, aviator, educator, author, creative director, and entrepreneur, among many other varied professions. Dr. Kuiljeit is a Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, and IICA-certified Independent Director. She is the G-100 India Chairperson for Values & Volunteerism, the ALL India Chairperson for Image Management, and the National President of the Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry for Life Skills.

In addition to having three master's degrees in subjects as varied as business administration, journalism and mass communications, and English literature to her name, Dr. Kuiljeit is the first person to hold a PhD in image management. She also has several other contrasting certifications to her name. With about three decades of work experience, she has explored a variety of career paths, including image management, aviation education, information technology, advertising, media, research, and education.

Her extensive research has benefited the fields of academia and management, particularly in the multidisciplinary field of PRIM (Persona and Image Management), which she has pioneered, as well as in the areas of life skills and strategic self-management for enhancing a person's persona and image. She is on a quest to change the perception of the world's population so that they are seen as more extraordinary, self-sufficient, authentic, strong, and self-reliant versions of themselves.


She has developed cutting-edge models and scientifically developed concepts like PRIM, D-PRIM, PRIMEA, PRIMPACT Integrated Transformational Model, TILSOM Framework, and PIQ, the world's first ever Persona and Image Quotient. Her work and volume of contributions have been recognised in India and throughout the world for their profound impact on improving people's personas and images as well as their life skills.

This Impact Strategist set out on her personal mission to assist people, in particular the youth and women, to understand the science of PRIM in order to be able to make a powerful difference to their entire persona and image as well as amplifying their life skills in a sustainable way. Her personal motto is "selfless contribution," and she is driven by a desire to make a positive difference in the world.

In keeping with her global mission, she wrote the non-profit book "PRIM and POWERFUL" to inspire young people and professionals from a variety of backgrounds to develop their inner, outer, and social skills, make a significant contribution, and become productive members of their societies.

Dr. Kuiljeit imagines a world in which each person's powerful image communicates stability, honesty, and sustainability. Her book discusses numerous persona, image, and strategic self-management components that may help people improve their sense of worth and fly to new heights on a wave of self-assurance.

Additionally, it will advance their professional development, improve their employability, and strengthen their coping methods. This book is the "first of its kind" ever published and will be available online and in print formats to readers throughout the world. For the benefit of students and their future in the dynamic world of today, it is also intended to be distributed in institutions all over the world.

Dr. Kuiljeit has actively engaged with society at all levels to develop their self-concept, mindset, and commitment to be significant contributors to their communities and nations as a thought leader, celebrity mentor, and transformation speaker. She strives to implement policies and build a strong eco system for the global empowerment of women in her capacity as office bearer of several women's groups in India and throughout the world.

One seldom ever meets someone whose personality and accomplishments are "Limited Edition." Dr. Kuiljeit Uppaal, the Polymath, Impact Strategist, and "Scientist-preneur" authenticates the remarkable combination of intelligence, talent, forward-thinking, dynamism, and perseverance along with a humble and giving heart that strives to selflessly contribute to humanity in some way or another.