
Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce hosts Annual Pow(H)er Conference

By: GWL Team | Friday, 8 November 2024

Recently, the annual Pow(H)er conference was held in Rockford at Embassy Suites. The event was hosted by Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce, empowering women. It also recognized the newest Women-In-Business nominees.

Founded in 1910, Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce is an NGO that is headquartered in Illinois, having specialities in membership-driven business organization and Small Business, that singularly keeps its focus on developing, accelerating, and supporting the business community of the region, including climate.

The President of Greater Rockford Chamber of Commerce, Caitlin Pusateri said, “Every woman is on a different journey, I just want to make sure that it’s empowering for them. I’ve learned so much about myself, and how I approach obstacles, opportunities. I want them to be strategic in what they want to do, everyone will want to accomplish different things but I want them to know what they want to accomplish and then feel empowered to go and do it.”

In addition, Lesly Couper, a business owner added, “It can be anything as simple as we as women need to speak up and let people know what we have done and what we’ve accomplished, but also how to lead with kindness and how to just get stuff done.”

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