
Huntsville Businesswoman Receives Prestigious National Honour for Entrepreneurship

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 20 July 2023

Brit Powell, the owner of Wolfe Co. Apparel, a thriving online clothing business based in Huntsville, has been recognized with a prestigious national honour. Out of thousands of applicants, Powell was chosen as one of only ten female company owners to receive the Visa She's Next Grant, a program in collaboration with York University.

In April, Brit applied for the Visa She's Next Grant program, and to her delight, she learned in June that she had been selected as one of the beneficiaries. The grant program not only provides each of the ten recipients with $10,000 but also includes a valuable one-year mentorship program. The initiative received approximately 3,500 applications, making Powell's achievement even more remarkable.

The ten female entrepreneurs were invited to a special event in downtown Toronto, where they had the opportunity to meet and network with VIPs from Visa and other prominent figures. During the event, the winners' reactions were filmed, capturing their surprise and joy at being recognized for their hard work and dedication.

For Powell, this recognition came as an inspiring validation of her six-year-long journey in building Wolfe Co. Apparel. She expressed how she typically relies on her own drive and determination and doesn't seek external validation. However, being acknowledged by such a major company has boosted her motivation to continue pushing forward, even through difficult days and sleepless nights.

The young entrepreneur believes that mentorship is an essential aspect of fostering collaboration and learning in the corporate world. She emphasized that young female entrepreneurs often face numerous obstacles, including intimidation, lack of support, and difficulty finding mentors. The mentorship component of the grant program was a key factor that attracted Powell to apply.

Wolfe Co. Apparel, founded by Powell in 2016, aims to produce Canadian-made clothing, promoting local manufacturing and sustainable fashion. Her vision to bring apparel production back to Canada gained momentum after a bonfire discussion with friends during her history student days. Since then, her company has experienced tremendous growth, and Powell plans to establish a physical location in downtown Huntsville in 2021.

When asked about her entrepreneurial journey, Powell revealed that she acquired most of her knowledge and skills through online resources, including Google and YouTube. While she later enrolled in online courses from the University of the Arts in London to refine her expertise, her initial success was driven by self-learning and determination.

To aspiring young girls and women with dreams of owning their own businesses, Powell offers invaluable advice—never shy away from opportunities. She regrets turning down certain invitations due to self-doubt and urges others not to let fear hold them back. Powell emphasizes the power of networking and communication, believing that simple conversations can lead to unexpected and life-changing opportunities.

Brit Powell's incredible journey and recognition exemplify the spirit of determination and entrepreneurial passion that can drive success, even against the odds. Her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring female entrepreneurs everywhere, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and embrace every opportunity that comes their way.