
Kenya urges East African Community to Promote Female Entrepreneurs in Trade & Investment

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 6 July 2023

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for East African Community and Regional Development, Rebecca Miano, has called on the East African Community (EAC) on July 5 2023, to prioritize the inclusion of female entrepreneurs in trade and investment.

Speaking at the first East African Women's Business and Investment Forum in London, Rebecca emphasized the importance of empowering women and promoting gender equality within the region.

Rebecca highlighted that the focus on women in trade and investment demonstrates the gradual dispelling of gender stereotypes and the recognition that both genders can excel in various fields. She referred to Sustainable Development Goal No. 5, which advocates for gender equality and empowerment for all women and girls, as a driving force behind prioritizing women's empowerment.

The Cabinet Secretary also referenced a recent article published in the esteemed journal "World Development," titled "Women's empowerment in East Africa: Development of a cross-country comparable measure." The article emphasized that empowering women is crucial for social change and enables individuals to make choices that were previously denied to them.

Rebecca further highlighted the vast opportunities available within the EAC region. With a combined GDP of over 240 billion pounds sterling in 2021, a land area of approximately 4.8 million square kilometers, a population of 285 million people, and a rich cultural heritage, the EAC region holds immense potential for entrepreneurs and traders.

The Cabinet Secretary underscored the region's abundance of minerals, including metallic minerals, industrial minerals, gemstones, and precious metals, which provide a strong foundation for various business ventures. Additionally, she highlighted the region's natural attractions, such as wildlife, stunning beaches, favorable weather, and landmarks like Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, and Lake Victoria. Rebecca emphasized that these natural features make the EAC region an ideal destination for tourism and related industries.

Rebecca also discussed the agricultural sector, highlighting the EAC's fertile land that produces high-quality teas, coffees, and horticultural products sought after worldwide. The region's reputation for exceptional agricultural products has led to market opportunities in Europe and other parts of the world.

By urging the EAC to include female entrepreneurs in trade and investment, Kenya aims to foster gender equality, empower women, and unlock the region's economic potential. With its diverse resources and natural wonders, the EAC stands poised to attract increased trade and investment, providing opportunities for both male and female entrepreneurs alike.

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