
MAF's Scheme provides HIV-Businesswoman with RM5,000 Grant

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 24 July 2024

As part of the MyLady Assistance Scheme of Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF), businesswoman Jamaliah Sulaiman has received RM5,000 grant since she was one amongst the 39 recipients of the scheme. Intending to assist HIV-positive-women’s home-based and small enterprises, this particular scheme offers microcredit business loans.

Recently in Kuala Lumpur, a Poise & Power high tea celebration of MAF has taken place where Jamaliah said, “I’m glad I managed to save some money from my home business as a caterer and bouquet maker to make the trip to Thailand. But, I wouldn’t have been able to kickstart my home business in 2022 without the RM5,000 grant from the Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF).”

All the 39 recipients of the scheme come from a diverse range of businesses that also includes cloth selling as well as running homestays in addition to food stall managements. Trainings on essential skills like social media promotions, money management, and photography, women empowerment for product marketing, finance management as well as high-quality visual content are given to the recipients.

Just live Jamaliah, there are numerous women who are suffering with this disease and still trying to do something with their full potential. This programme helps such women to grow.