
Mastercard announces Award-Winning Podcast Series in Egypt

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 16 July 2024

In a recent announcement, Mastercard revealed that it’s going to launch 'Her Voice', which is an award-winning podcast series in Egypt. This exemplifies the firm’s significant step towards empowering women entrepreneurs as well as small businesses within the country.

In addition, the podcast series has been designed to amplify female entrepreneurs’ and innovators’ inspiring stories playing in sectors like business, social impact, culinary arts, travel, retail and e-commerce.

'Her Voice' was launched in July 2, 2024, underscoring the female pioneers’ victories with an intent to inspire and encourage individuals to unlatch their full potential lifting each other via through their storytelling and shared wisdom.

Vice-President and Country Manager of Mastercard Egypt, Inji Borai stated, “At Mastercard, we believe in the immense potential of women and the pivotal role they play in the global economy. ’Her Voice’ stems from our desire to provide a space where women's voices resonate, their stories inspire, and their innovations unlock untapped opportunities. We envision the podcast series as a catalyst for change, igniting a spark in every listener that drives them to contribute positively to their communities. We look forward to seeing the domino effect of ’Her Voice’ on the future of women-led businesses in Egypt.”