
McCarter LaBorde Urges Brazilian Women & Youth to Show Best Selves for World Credit Union Movement

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Elissa McCarter LaBorde, president and chief executive officer of the International Council of Credit Unions, urged a group of Brazilian credit union women and youth to attend and to put their best self forward by interacting with other cultures through the global network at their disposal.

You are a crucial component of the worldwide credit union movement, and McCarter LaBorde remarked, "We need you all to help us tell our narrative and explain that credit unions are ideally positioned to promote inclusion in every tiny town, major metropolis, or scattered island throughout the world."

More than 1,000 people attended Super Summit Sicredi, a meeting for women and young people who work for or are members of Sicredi, the World Council's direct member credit union system in Brazil, and who received that message with great enthusiasm. More than a dozen more nations are represented at the two-day summit by smaller credit union delegations.

McCarter LaBorde underlined that by tackling issues like climate catastrophes and wealth inequalities, young people in the audience should present their best self.

And as future leaders, it might be simple to look at all that and just say, "What can we do? How can I help? My point is that there are credit unions with a strong worldwide presence in more than 100 nations. We are acting, that much is certain. You have a network and a location to address many of the oppressive problems and inequities we encounter, McCarter LaBorde remarked.

Speaking from personal experience, McCarter LaBorde received the loudest round of applause when she was asked how she manages life and work with such a demanding profession while married with three kids. She counselled women to have confidence in themselves rather than worry about striking the right balance.

If I have to pick my child up from school, I guess I'll just have to do that and let others know I'm doing it, modelling it as a leader's behaviour, right? There are several methods of leadership. And in my opinion, if we want women and men to be fully involved with their families, which we all agree is crucial, then we must accept that we must make room for life's messes.

"I believe that by exhibiting such conduct for others, it is a little easier for women to accept large positions and to not constantly question whether they should accept the position now or wait till they are older and have children? And if you don't take advantage of those opportunities, they will pass you by.

McCarter LaBorde talked for over an hour on stage on the necessity for credit unions to advance and forge ahead of problems like digitalization and sustainable finance, saying that Sicredi is a pioneer in both fields and a role model for other national movements. Diana Dykstra, the chair of the World Council Board, reiterated that opinion.

I appreciate all you do, you, your teams, and all of your credit unions do every day to alter people's lives, Dykstra added.

A special example of WYCUP leadership

On day one of the Super Summit, a panel discussion on how Sicredi has embraced and expanded the WYCUP values was moderated by Thomas Belekevich, Director of Member Services at WOCCU (World Young Credit Union Professionals).

Sicredi seeks to develop social projects through both their young credit union personnel and their young members by establishing a system of Youth Committees around the nation.

In addition to being a member of the Sicredi Youth Committee, Vinicius Mattia teaches at a university in the Brazilian state of Parana. He believes that the key to a better society is to foster more young ties between credit union personnel and local residents.

"We are in this collaborative space. Being together for the same goal is the best course. As people begin to comprehend the cooperative business model—which we often refer to as a "alternative," but in my opinion is the model that is most accurate. I thus want young people to have places and times, like with Sicredi, where they may engage in more cooperative activities. "These venues offer a lot of promise for personal growth as well as being a place of information and interchange," stated Mattia, a 2020 WYCUP Scholarship winner.

Mattia's enthusiasm for the financial cooperative concept, according to Belekevich, demonstrates the importance of neighbourhood youth participation for credit unions all around the world.

"In that regard, Sicredi has really motivated us. It's amazing what you guys are doing with the Youth Committees here. It has something so powerfully developed in its capacity to empower youngsters that I have never seen anything like it. With your example, we may serve as an example to other nations, Belekevich remarked.

Lena Giakoumopoulos, the director of the Global Women's Leadership Network (GWLN), will moderate two panel discussions on women in credit unions as the Super Summit Sicredi comes to an end.

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