
Melinda French Gates Urges Women's Involvement in AI to Avoid Bias

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Renowned philanthropist and women's rights advocate, Melinda French Gates, has raised concerns about the urgent need for women's participation in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In an interview with CNN's Poppy Harlow, French Gates expressed apprehension over the potential consequences of the current AI arms race and the rapid integration of this transformative technology into various products, particularly when it comes to women.

French Gates emphasized the crucial role of women in AI development, stating, "I’m very nervous because we don’t have enough women, again, who are computer scientists, and who have expertise in artificial intelligence, and without that, we will bake bias into the system." She stressed the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping AI systems that consider all viewpoints, reflect society as a whole, and embrace a comprehensive understanding of the world.

One of the main concerns surrounding AI models is their tendency to perpetuate biases, particularly against women and marginalized communities. These worries have grown as generative AI systems like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Dall-E, trained on enormous amounts of web data, have emerged. Since online data often reflects human biases, some researchers argue that these powerful AI tools can now disseminate bias and discrimination on a larger scale, with reduced accountability, as the responses are generated by machines.

French Gates' comments on AI align with her renewed commitment to promoting women's participation in politics. She promised to support more women running for headquarters in the United States in a view piece she wrote for Time and published on the anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe Wade. French Gates said in her interview that she votes in a nonpartisan manner, supporting candidates on both sides of the political spectrum. She is adamant that people working together across party lines provide the finest policy.

However, French Gates made it clear that her current focus is on empowering women candidates. She acknowledged that decisions affecting women are often made without their representation and quoted the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, asserting her belief that women should be involved in decision-making processes across all arenas.

With her influential voice, Melinda French Gates sheds light on the importance of women's involvement in AI development to prevent the perpetuation of biases. She calls for a diverse and inclusive approach to AI, emphasizing the potential consequences if such technologies are created without considering the perspectives and experiences of women and marginalized communities. By advocating for women's representation in both AI and politics, French Gates seeks to create a more equitable and just society.