
Microsoft announces new Program to train Philippino women in AI

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 13 March 2024

During a 2-day trade mission, Microsoft, a well-known brand in the Tech sector, has announced a new program that would train 100,000 Philippine women on Artificial Intelligence technology in addition to cybersecurity. The 2-day trade mission which was being headed by US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has been the witness of the announcement of the program.

Mary Snapp, Microsoft’s Vice President Strategic Initiatives, said in her statement, “We are very excited about the potential for the Philippines to drive economic advancement using enhanced AI technology in a positive way. Microsoft will partner with government agencies and local schools to provide the training to government employees.”

The Philippine women shall get an online platform in order to learn Microsoft's AI tools such as OpenAI's large language models.

Mary added to her statement, “There's going to be a really strong focus and education campaign so that people who are looking at content are much better able to identify what's been changed, what's not been changed.”

The understanding of AI is getting growingly important in today’s fast-pacing tech-driven world. And women are lagging somewhere to get the exposure towards Artificial Intelligence Technology.

Microsoft in its announcement also added that it would initiate an AI-powered reading progress tool for around 27 million Philippine students in an alliance with Philippine Education department. This shall help the students to get a better understanding of AI before they enter the tech sector.

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