
NAWOJ Urges Gender Equality in Nigerian Politics, Calls for Female Deputy Speaker Appointment

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 13 June 2023

As part of deliberate and conscious efforts to close the gender gap, the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) has urged President Bola Tinubu and members of the 10th National Assembly to seriously consider a high-ranking female lawmaker for the position of Deputy Speaker of the 10th House of Representatives on June 13. This is done to promote gender equality, equitable growth, and fair distribution of "what gets allocated and how" in the country's democracy.

In a statement co-signed by its President, Ladi Bala, and National Secretary, Helen Udofa, NAWOJ noted that the lack of women's inclusion in governance and political participation over the years has remained a weak link in the core values of democracy, stating that "this is certainly not part of a true reflection of the Nigerian democratic dream." The statement was released in conjunction with the 2023 Democracy Day celebration.

The national organisation for women journalists emphasised that the underrepresentation of women in the 10th National Assembly is a serious setback that calls for deliberate action, adding that the time to begin implementing a strategy to change the perception of women's underrepresentation at the National Assembly is now.

The Association also noted that the 10th National Assembly is not gender-friendly as it stands, lacking balance with only 17 women represented among the 469 members of both chambers, emphasising that "the development is so sad and worrisome as it does not reflect the diversity of the Nigerian society in any form."

NAWOJ claims that gender diversity in leadership promotes better innovation and governance. However, Nigeria's democracy cannot be completely realised until the new administration prioritises the inclusion of women in leadership and governance, making it seem hypocritical and dashed the dreams of Nigerian women once more.

Additionally, it was recommended that, in line with gender standards, stakeholders and members of the National Assembly should consider and let a female lawmaker to become the Deputy Speaker in order to advance inclusion in politics and increase women's trust in the process. This would encourage patriotism and increase the involvement of women in politics.

With the election of a woman to a key post in the 10th National Assembly, let's right the wrong and create history in the eyes of the world, the Association said.

However, NAWOJ suggested that while Nigeria and Nigerians should be applauded for facing the challenges and ensuring that sustainable democracy is ingrained, their tenacity for a guaranteed and continuous consecutive democratic administration since the restoration to democracy in 1999 merits praise. It also mentioned how significant and deserving of celebration the nation's democratic experience has been.