
Puck Empowers Lebanese Women with 'Selfless Shelves' Initiative

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 23 January 2024

In an effort to address the economic issues that women experience in Lebanon, global dairy brand Puck, which is part of Arla Foods, has launched its latest campaign, "Selfless Shelves." This revolutionary concept aims to empower five entrepreneurial women from different areas in Lebanon by giving them shelf space in select Carrefour shops.

These ladies will display their homemade and locally produced items, dubbed "mouneh," in reused Puck glass jars. The program, which launched on January 22, 2024, intends to help these women and their families by providing a forum for them to offer culinary delicacies such as makdous eggplant, zaatar, dried orange bitter peels, sumac, and pumpkin jam.

The move is in reaction to Lebanon's dismal economic condition, where a startling 63% of women are unemployed, particularly in isolated areas with little work options. Facing this problem, women throughout communities in Lebanon have turned to selling "mouneh" as a method of producing revenue. Puck admired their tenacity and dedication, inspiring the company to offer not just shelf space but also reused glass jars to represent each woman's story.

Yahia Adel Z AlSharif, Head of Category at Arla Foods, was enthusiastic by the program and emphasized Puck's commitment to promoting sustainable customer behaviour. The "Selfless Shelves" idea is a trial experiment, and Puck intends to bring similar initiatives in the future.

These projects seek to further promote and empower women-led artisanal enterprises, therefore contributing to beneficial socioeconomic and environmental outcomes. Puck's proactive approach is consistent with their commitment to female empowerment, promising a future full of healthier goods, diversified options, and inspiring recipes.