
SEAT-backed Accelerator Empowers USVI Women Entrepreneurs

By: GWL Team | Tuesday, 30 January 2024

The SEAT Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Inc.-sponsored Three Queens Ventures Women's Business Accelerator Program is preparing for its fourth annual session in an effort to promote female entrepreneurship in the United States Virgin Islands.

The non-profit program, which runs for four months and requires a commitment of 10 hours per week, strives to empower women entrepreneurs through weekly seminars, advising sessions, mentorship meetings, and more.

The program, named after three iconic pioneers - Mary, Agnes, and Mathilda - who exemplify courage, steadfastness, and hard effort, aims to address the problems that women entrepreneurs encounter, particularly those with little business experience. Jennifer Sequeira, Executive Director of SEAT Caribbean and SEAT Innovation and Entrepreneurship, stated her enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and the program's goal of fostering a paradigm shift among female entrepreneurs.

The program includes individual coaching, marketing and social media support, financial planning, small company management, and other topics. Participants are intended to learn essential skills that will help them grow their enterprises and contribute to the economic growth of the United States Virgin Islands.

The program, which began in 2021, is taking applications until January 30, with no application fees. Accepted participants will be asked to pay a $150 fee, which will be refunded upon completion of the program as part of the seed financing. Eligibility requirements include U.S. Virgin Islands residency, age 18 or older, and ownership of a licensed business for at least two years. The Three Queens Ventures Women's Business Accelerator Program aspires to play an important role in empowering and assisting female entrepreneurs on their path to business success.