
Switzerland to Lead in the $1 Trillion Women's Health Industry

By: GWL Team | Saturday, 23 March 2024

The recently released Mckinsey report says that Switzerland is poised to become a global leader in women’s health by 2040. Annually, the country would be worth over 1 trillion to the world economy. Based on the report, women have 25% more “Poor health” than men. That underscores the urgency of highlighting these issues for the benefit of millions of women around the globe.

By showing women’s health at the center, Switzerland has organized conferences which are supported by startups and operated accelerator programs. Switzerland has already focused 30 companies and EPFL Innovation Park in Lausanne would be an important hub for women’s health initiatives in Switzerland.

A six-month quality free global acceleration program called Tech4Eva is offered by EPRL in collaboration with the enormous Swiss insurance company Groupe Mutuel. By improving their go-to-market tactics and business models, Tech4Eva have assisted a group of femtech startups. Roadshows, themed workshops and individualized coaching are available to connect with investors and potential customers. Tech4Eva has chosen 77 early- and growth-stage startups spanning a range of topics, including mental health, pregnancy, fertility, prevention, diagnostics, and menopause, out of 381 applications it received over the previous three years.

The president of EPFL Innovation Park, Ursula Oesterle, expressed his insights that the goal of elevating femtech research and development to a new level and positioning Switzerland as the leading hub for women's health innovation. And Lan Zuo Gillet, Co-founder and Program Director of Tech4Eva uses their experience in assisting high-tech startups to highlight the global promotion of technologies for women's health.

The USD 180 million that the participating startups raised is proof of the Tech4Eva program's success and the growing interest of investors in this hitherto unnoticed asset class. To increase Tech4Eva's impact, a number of major corporations and healthcare providers are also looking for partnership opportunities. The Tech4Eva program is sponsored by Groupe Mutuel, a prominent health insurance provider in Switzerland. Member of the executive board Sophie Revaz stresses the value of assisting new businesses that can meet the unmet needs of policyholders who are female. Groupe Mutuel wants to help change the current state of affairs where women's health receives less than 4% of global corporate investment.

Startups have found the Tech4EVA accelerator to be helpful as it gives them access to a large network of professionals and helps them with fundraising and product development. Co-Founder and CEO of femtech innovator Annaida Technologies, Gora Conley, highlights the noteworthy progress made with the help of the Tech4EVA program. Their recent partnership with reproductive health clinics to track alterations in embryonic cellular metabolism holds promise for bettering patient outcomes and embryo selection.

Based in Zurich, the Women's Brain Project (WBP) is another significant Swiss initiative. Leading scientists from a variety of fields collaborate with patients and caregivers to apply sex and gender strategies within precision medicine at this global non-profit organization. The CEO of WBP, Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha, is a proponent of establishing the first global institute for precision medicine research on gender and sex in Switzerland. In order to improve precision medicine and care, she highlights the significance of taking sex and gender factors into account when assessing disease risks, diagnostic processes, and treatment outcomes.

In addition to regional gatherings, Switzerland is becoming the venue for an increasing number of global conferences centered on women's health. Of particular note is the Women's Health Innovation EU Summit, which will take place in Basel on April 26–27.

The strong emphasis on innovation in Switzerland, particularly in the life sciences, is highlighted by Sirpa Tsimal, Director Global Marketing Investment Promotion at Switzerland Global Enterprise. The nation provides a rich environment for domestic and foreign businesses to launch and expand their women's health initiatives.

Analogous advancements are also noted in fields like precision medicine and longevity. The potential effects on women's lives and the world economy are substantial, as Switzerland maintains its leadership position in the field of women's health. The nation is at the forefront of advances in women's health because of its dedication to promoting innovation, helping startups, and holding international conferences. With the launch of initiatives like the Women's Brain Project and Tech4Eva, Switzerland is leading the way for a more promising and healthy future for women everywhere.