In an unexpected turn of events, Italy's first female Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has been named "man of the year" by the right-wing tabloid Libero. The piece, written by Mario Sechi, the paper's Rome bureau head and a former member of Meloni's public relations team, lauded her for winning "the war of the sexes" in Italy.
Mario’s post, headlined 'Man of the Year,' claimed that PM Meloni had not only cracked the glass ceiling, but had "dissolved it" by exhibiting power in her thoughts and diverse thinking. According to the report, PM Meloni effectively reversed gender stereotypes in a society of "weak thinking" and shown skill in negotiating the problems of wartime.
This proclamation, however, did not sit well with Italian women's rights campaigners and opposition parties. Critics accused PM Meloni of ignoring women's violence protection and disregarding the interests of Italian women. Elly Schlein, the Democratic Party's secretary, voiced her displeasure, saying, "Today a right-wing newspaper is explaining to us that politics and power are for men."
Despite the reaction, Gennaro Sangiuliano, PM Meloni's cultural minister and a former Libero deputy director, defended the award, claiming that the title of 'Man of the Year' was well-deserved. The controversy rages on as Meloni is pressed to clarify her position in reaction to the polarizing award.
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