
The 2023 Hybrid Leadership Conference announced by the Women's Foodservice Forum

By: GWL Team | Friday, 17 February 2023

The 2023 Hybrid Leadership Conference will be held by the Women's Foodservice Forum (WFF) on March 12 to 14. The event will take place at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas. WFF is a leading community for female professionals and the premier gender equity partner for employers in the foodservice industry.

This event will be attended by talented women professionals, men who support this initiative, and also forward-thinking firms. They will discuss the issues faced by the foodservice industry which include diversity, equity, and inclusion.

LIMITLESS: You! is the theme of this year's event. The theme means to highlight the various ways in which female leaders have used their skills, resilience, and resourcefulness to bring out a change with more confidence and a good understanding.

Therese Gearhart, the President & CEO of WFF said that Women have truly proven themselves in every field and section of society. They have overcome these hard years and established more inclusive businesses. He further said that WFF is proud to be a part of women's development and support their growth throughout the year which includes their annual Leadership Conference experience.

The WFF Leadership Conference provides the women participants to attend their sessions live or through virtual classes. They also offer complimentary WFF membership to the participants which grants them access to the members-only community portal, WFF Connect which includes on-demand access to leadership conference sessions, resources for professional development, and monthly virtual events. Exceptional keynote speakers were present at the event including, Sunny Hostin, Carla Harris, and Mel Robbins.

The Industry leaders will present WFF Communities of Interest sessions for Women of Color, Working Moms, LGBTQIA+ participants, Young Professionals, and two brand-new options for Caretakers and Seasoned Professionals who will share their experiences, lessons learned, and allyship insights.