
The Week That Was: Global Women Empowerment News Overview

By: GWL Team | Saturday, 16 March 2024

Women all around the world are making applause-worthy work while challenging the norms and breaking all barriers that used to pull them from being successful. With today’s fast-moving arduous society, women are doing a great job in leadership roles, management positions as well as in technology-related professions. From corporates to government, urban to rural, Women are being seen everywhere.

Women leaders are showcasing their agility and resilience by occupying senior level positions in top organisations, globally. Despite all the hurdles and challenges, they are boarding their success flight and flying towards triumph. While celebrating ‘post-International Women Day’ week Global Woman Leader team covers accomplishments of women leaders, entrepreneurs and industry experts.

To know about these women, explore GWL’s News section.

Islamabad Women Gala 2024 showcased women entrepreneurs post-IWD

A Two-Day Islamabad Women Gala 2024 has been concluded on March 10, 2024. This event has been attended by many home-based artisans and a vast number of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan. The event started on March 9, 2024. This festival was dedicated to the female workers who face various challenges in their profession due to social constraints.

Slingshot Aerospace's New UK Entity to be Led by Melissa Quinn

Slingshot Aerospace has launched Slingshot Aerospace Ltd by expanding of its international operations. The new body shall function from the organisation’s 1st international offices established in London and Cornwall. Slingshot Aerospace Ltd has come up with new opportunities along with high-tech jobs in the UK. They have set a focus of recruiting data analysts and software engineers in order to build the analytics, data, and services that shall support Slingshot’s international business unit.

Ascend Studios Foundation collaborates with Beyond Limits Africa

The Ascend Studios Foundation (ASF) has teamed up with Beyond Limits Africa in order to aid and empower African Women-led start-up businesses. The partnership took place on the occasion of International Women Day i.e., March 8, 2024. ASF is Non-Profit Organisation that was established with a purpose to empower women and youth whereas Beyond Limits Africa aims at providing appropriate mentorship that can help entrepreneurs to thrive in their entrepreneurial journey.

Westpact Issues $63 Million to Aid Australian Women Entrepreneurs

In order to support Australian women entrepreneurs, Westpac has issued $63 million for helping more than 300 women who are in the starting phase or looking forward to expand their businesses. The bank has announced the allotment of $500 million about a year ago to help and offer assistance to more female-led small businesses.

Microsoft announces new Program to train Philippino women in AI

During a 2-day trade mission, Microsoft, a well-known brand in the Tech sector, has announced a new program that would train 100,000 Philippine women on Artificial Intelligence technology in addition to cybersecurity. The 2-day trade mission which was being headed by US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has been the witness of the announcement of the program.

Emirates launches Gender Balance Council for IWD 2024

The Emirates has come up with a Gender Balance Council to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day 2024. The council shall represent its female employees while looking forward to create a knowledge sharing platform in addition to advancing the cause of gender balance. The event shall include workshops, mentorship programs that will help the women in workforce.