
USAID Commits to Empower Women in Papua New Guinea

By: GWL Team | Monday, 14 August 2023

Samantha Power, the administrator, announces substantial USAID commitments to address pressing needs in the area. In an important development, Administrator Samantha Power has disclosed a number of important initiatives by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that are intended to address urgent humanitarian crises, make access to clean energy easier, improve disaster preparedness, and support the healthcare sector in Papua New Guinea. This declaration demonstrates the United States' unshakeable dedication to aiding its Pacific partner in trying times.

Key Announcements:

USAID Country Representative Office: USAID is establishing a Country Representative Office to increase its presence in the area, as promised by President Biden during the U.S.-Pacific Islands Summit. This action shows a dedication to working with partners in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu to advance economic and social development goals. The agency's capacity to produce long-lasting outcomes in line with the development goals of these countries will be improved by the enhanced personnel presence, which will include local Pacific Islanders.

Humanitarian Aid: Part of USAID's large contribution is $5.2 million in humanitarian assistance. The purpose of this grant is to strategically address urgent needs:

$3.5 million will be used to improve local and provincial governments' capacity to prepare for and respond to disasters via inclusive community-based disaster risk management programmes.

$1.2 million will be used to fight Papua New Guinea's serious malnutrition problem.

an immediate reaction to the Mount Bagana volcano eruption, with a $500,000 budgetary allotment to fund urgent humanitarian operations. This aid, coordinated with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the Government of Papua New Guinea, provides food, water, sanitation, shelter kits, security services, and logistical support for those who are internally displaced.

Clean Energy Access: A $1.2 million investment in a solar mini-grid system in the Central province of Papua New Guinea demonstrates USAID's dedication to clean energy access. With the help of this creative project and the renewable energy provider WEnergy Global, 800 homes and 30 companies will receive electricity, benefiting a total of 4,800 people. This endeavour contributes to the Pacific Islands' climate change goals and is in line with Papua New Guinea's ambitious 2030 target of powering 70% of its people.

Strengthening the Health Sector: USAID has committed an additional $1 million to the health sector. By increasing COVID-19 surveillance capabilities, this grant intends to strengthen the oxygen and laboratory ecosystems in Papua New Guinea.

Fighting HIV/AIDS: Building on effective interventions in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea, USAID will increase its efforts to fight HIV/AIDS in additional high-burden provinces in partnership with the Global Fund. This growth demonstrates the region's dedication to health security.

Following trips by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, Administrator Power's trip to Papua New Guinea highlights the commitment of the United States to forging closer ties with the Pacific country. The significance of international collaboration in tackling global issues and fostering good change is illustrated by the trio of high-level visits.