
Women 20 discusses Gender & Entrepreneurship Connection at Rio de Janeiro

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Women 20 Engagement Group’s first National Dialogue got into the discussion about the relationship between gender and entrepreneurship on March 25, 2024 at Rio de Janeiro. Women 20 is an official G20 engagement group which was established in the year 2015 having specialities in Gender Equity, Public Policy, Digital Inclusion, Women, Work Inclusion, Financial Inclusion along with Rural Inclusion.

The discussion exclaimed that women cover over 50 per cent of the world’s population but contributes even less than 37 per cent of global GDP. W20 Entrepreneurship Working Group’s leader Maria Rita Spina said in her remarks, “Female entrepreneurship is one of the most powerful keys to unlocking women's economic potential, strengthening communities and driving global growth, and it needs to be promoted by public policies that include race and ethnicity lenses in their design and implementation.”

Co-founder and CEO of SAS Brasil, Sabine Zink’s story shows how a woman can change a whole community solely. Her dedication towards social work while running a social startup business in order to aid impoverished communities by providing medical care to them.

Her career revolves around human development in addition to delivering leadership training in significant corporations. SAS has been in the industry for over 10 years and has received national and international recognition for its commitment and dedication in healthcare.

Sabine says, “Why are we struggling to find sponsorship and donations? We have a business model that can generate social impact and revenue at the same time! So, since 2021, we've been building a non-profit system that works alongside a business system, which in turn generates revenue for investments in the social sphere.”