
Women over 55 Majority Property Owners in SA: BetterBond

By: GWL Team | Thursday, 8 August 2024

In a statement, BetterBond, the bond origination company said that the property owners’ fastest-growing segment in South Africa is occupied by women with 55 above age. The firm caters in Financial Services industry.

The data of the statements has been supported by FNB, claiming that even after having a lower participation in labour markets, the residential property of FNB data represented women holding property purchases’ bigger shares in SA i.e., 53 percent.  

BetterBond stated, “More specifically, single women are purchasing property from about middle-age onwards. Single women over the age of 40 are increasingly interested in freehold homes in the R500 000 to R1 million price band.”

“The South Africa picture aligns with the global scenario; women above the age of 55 are the fastest-growing demographic of home-buyers. They increasingly value home ownership and stability later in life,” BetterBond’s head of sales, Btrad Bendall said.

The bank also added, “Most of these purchases are in major economic hubs, such as Gauteng and Western Cape. However, we note the average purchase price for women is lower compared to their male counterparts.”

This surge in women’s participation shows the society’s uplifting mindset and the courage of these women to pursue what they wanted.

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