
Young African Leaders Initiative network offers course Africa4Her on legislation on denial of womens equal rights

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 29 March 2023

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI network) has developed an online course specifically for women through its Africa4Her program for activists, advocates, and other participants in the fight for gender equality, with the understanding that there are still laws that deny equal rights to women.

Women and girls make up half of the world's population, according to the NEW YALI Network online course, but far too frequently, their opinions, experiences, and contributions are ignored or underestimated, particularly concerning laws that hold women to a lower standard and obstruct development.

"The Law Barriers to Women's Rights and Opportunities," a new YALI Network online course, looks at the legislative and regulatory restrictions that prevent women from exercising their legal rights and gaining access to equitable economic opportunity.

The Women, Business, and the Law project of The World Bank created the course in response to data showing that equal laws result in more working women, higher incomes, more female entrepreneurs, and more women in management roles, all of which promote economic growth for their nations.

Despite making up half of the world's population, women and girls experience high levels of discrimination, according to the Office of Global Women's Issues at the U.S. Department of State. Obstacles like a lack of political participation, educational opportunities, and economic opportunities prevent women from advancing and contribute to gender inequality in society.

Every aspect of life is impacted by gender inequality, including relationships, finances, education, development, health, and many more. Despite encouraging advancements in favour of women's empowerment, more work needs to be done to ensure that there are adequate legal, legislative, and educational safeguards in place to advance gender equality.

At Africa4Her, participants will get more knowledge about the restrictions and laws that prevent women from engaging in all aspects of communities and how to leverage resources for best practices to advance gender equality and women's rights, according to the YALI network.

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