

Monica Febles Alvarez Icaza: Navigating Leadership Challenges With Resilience & Futuristic Vision

Monica Febles Alvarez Icaza: Navigating Leadership Challenges With Resilience & Futuristic Vision

Monica Febles Alvarez Icaza

Women as leaders have played an increasingly vital role in diverse industries, contributing unique perspectives and fostering inclusive work environments. Their leadership qualities often include resilience, adaptability, and a collaborative approach, bringing about positive organizational change. Monica Febles Alvarez Icaza, the CEO of AXISIMA, exemplifies these leadership qualities. Born in Mexico City in 1972, Monica's early years were shaped by her international upbringing. Her father's executive role at S.C. Johnson led the family to reside in Argentina, Costa Rica, and New York before returning to Mexico City. In 1986, at the age of 14, her father's entrepreneurial spirit prompted a move to Yucatan, where they ventured into diverse businesses, including an ice cream factory, transformed later into fast-food establishments, and a Customs Agency. Monica's journey reflects not only her international exposure but also her family's entrepreneurial spirit, contributing to her success as a leader in her role as CEO at AXISIMA, Let’s hear from her.

You've crafted an illustrious 25-year professional career. Share with us the journey and pivotal moments along the way.

At the age of 15, I began contributing to the family business, stepping in to assist wherever needed, particularly following my father's heart attack when I was 16. Throughout high school and college, where I pursued a major in business administration, I collaborated with my father and older brother. Undoubtedly, my father was the primary influence on my professional path.

Unfortunately, the Mexican financial crisis in 1994 posed significant challenges, leading to the closure of our family business in 1996. Facing limited opportunities for women professionals as employees, I embarked on a new business venture with my now-husband of 24 years, focusing on selling and maintaining office equipment. During this period, I got married, earned a Master's in Finance, and welcomed my first daughter.

Simultaneously, I began teaching undergraduate classes at Anahuac University in Merida. This eventually led to a position in the graduate center, where I pursued another Master's degree and doctoral studies in higher education. Over 13 years with the university, I served as the Educational Quality Coordinator and later as a Research Coordinator. My diverse background in finance, administration, and education paved the way for supporting research teams across various schools in organizing projects and securing external funding.

“I firmly believe that in life, you can attain greater success through giving rather than taking”

In 2013, I crossed paths with Enrique Alvarez, the founder and current partner of Axis Engineering. Our connection began through an innovation project the company submitted for collaboration with the university. Initially joining Axis as a financial consultant and advisor, I later assumed a more integral role when the company was selected for an acceleration program with Endeavor Mexico. In 2014, I officially joined Axis as the Chief Financial Officer, and by 2017, I took on the role of CEO, with Enrique serving as the Chairman of the Board. In 2020, I solidified my commitment by becoming a partner in the company while retaining my position as CEO.

Share with us the areas of expertise you've cultivated as a financial leader throughout your career.

Some liken financial planners to magicians, attributing their ability to make anything materialize on financial analysis statements. Mastering the art of meticulously assessing various variables influencing a company's future—such as macroeconomics, industry markets, and political climate—to strategically plan has been a pivotal learning experience.

Emphasizing the significance of cash flow management over EBITDA and prioritizing risk management, particularly in our international ventures, has been instrumental. However, the paramount objective has been the pursuit of long-term value creation for all stakeholders. This focus proves more beneficial for the company in the long run compared to the conventional goal of short-term increases in shareholder wealth.

Introduce us to AXISIMA. What are the various responsibilities you shoulder as the company’s CEO?

AXISIMA, a consulting firm with a 20-year history, specializes in providing innovative solutions for coastal and port engineering, environmental management, and sustainability in energy projects. With over 100 kilometers of beaches restored/created and 500 projects in Mexico, including 15 international projects, their vision is to create a sustainable world. As CEO, the focus is on executing a strategic plan aligned with this vision. Leadership involves guiding a specialized team, emphasizing clear objectives and providing autonomy. The CEO, a proponent of servant leadership, prioritizes serving the team, customers, and society for the company's productivity and societal impact.

A business leader's journey is fraught with challenges. Could you shed light on the significant hurdles you face in your current role and how you navigate them?

We've surmounted substantial obstacles, from operating in diverse cultures and languages to weathering project cancellations and surviving the global pandemic without government bailouts. These triumphs resulted from tenacity, collaborative team efforts, and support from our investors. However, our ongoing challenges are twofold. Our revenue relies on projects, while 80 percent of our budget constitutes fixed expenses. To address this imbalance, we've diligently pursued increasing fixed-income clients, and adept project management is vital for financial planning. Additionally, despite heightened global environmental concerns, our primary clientele reluctantly pays for services to comply with regulations. Thus, framing our offerings as long-term investments rather than immediate expenses and providing risk mitigation services are crucial strategies for securing client commitment.

From your perspective, what standout accomplishments mark significant victories in your professional odyssey?

While triumphing over political challenges, executing a company restructuring in 2019, and navigating the 2020-2021 pandemic are undeniable victories, I consider establishing a company with partners that I'm proud to lead as the paramount achievement. Earning the trust of clients, resulting in an impressive 80 percent repeat or referral business, and working towards a purpose that transcends individual interests represent my foremost professional triumph.

As a business leader, what guiding principles have contributed to your success over the years?

I firmly believe that in life, you can attain greater success through giving rather than taking. It's possible to run a profitable business while treating every individual—be it collaborators, clients, or suppliers—with respect, dignity, and fairness.

Message for aspiring women leaders/ entrepreneurs:

As women leaders and business owners we struggle to fit into a predominantly masculine world, and that is a mistake. We have to embrace the qualities that we have and give us an edge. As women, we are more likely to have a developed sense of empathy, multitask problem solving skills and humility. That doesn’t make us weak, on the contrary, that is what makes us strong.

Monica Febles Alvarez Icaza, CEO, Axisima

Monica Febles Alvarez Icaza, CEO of AXISIMA, embodies resilient leadership qualities honed through an international upbringing and diverse professional experiences. Her journey from assisting the family business at 15 to spearheading strategic initiatives at AXISIMA reflects her commitment to excellence and innovation. Monica advocates for embracing women's innate strengths in leadership, emphasizing empathy, multitasking, and humility as key assets for success in a predominantly masculine business landscape.

