Women Leader View Point | Experts Column - Global Woman Leader

Viewpoint / Experts Column

Number of Women in STEM Employment & Education Increasing

The United States National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, or NCSES, has published Diversity and STEM:...

Find out the Top Cities for Women Entrepreneurs as Ranked by Dell WE Cities

DWEN published the findings of the 2023 Women Entrepreneur Cities (WE Cities) Index, which ranked 55 international cities according to their...

Iconic Brands built by New-age Queens of the Global Beauty Industry

Women entrepreneurs are still a minority in the start-up world

6 Women Entrepreneurs Redefining the Tech Landscape in APAC

There is no denying that men predominate in the technology sector. The percentage of women working in Silicon Valley is barely 11%, and it is...

Women Leaders more People Focused & Compassionate than Male Counterparts UAE Perspective

Women leaders were found to be more compassionate and people-focused than their male colleagues, with 64% of UAE women prioritizing investments in...

Digital Transformation Is Not A Buzzword: IT Is Survival

Ciber India is a global IT consulting company which provides services

The Flourishing Industry of Facility Management

Vandana, an acknowledged facility management professional, holds an extensive experience of working with leading companies like LG Electronics, EXL...

CIOs and the Road to Innovation

CIOs are under increasing pressure to play a role in technology-driven business transformation and innovation. The expectation from their role...

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