
8 Dynamic Women Prime Ministers Shaping Global Politics in 2024

By: GWL Team | Saturday, 10 February 2024

Katrín Jakobsdóttir

Country: Iceland

Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Iceland's prime minister since 2017, has navigated the political landscape with a balanced approach, leading a coalition comprising the Left-Green Movement, Progressive Party, and Independence Party. Her governance is characterized by stability and progressive policies, addressing issues like gender pay inequality and social housing. Notably, her adept handling of the COVID-19 pandemic earned positive reviews.

PM Katrín's political stance is marked by opposition to Icelandic NATO and EU membership, aligning with her party's positions. Internationally, she gained attention for leading a 2023 strike advocating pay equality and action against gender-based violence. Beyond politics, familial ties to Icelandic prominence and her debut crime novel reveal a multifaceted leader committed to both domestic and global cooperation. In a world grappling with challenges, Katrín Jakobsdóttir stands as a leader who combines political acumen with a dedication to societal betterment.