
International Day of Girl Child: 5 Organizations Acting as Catalysts

By: GWL Team | Wednesday, 11 October 2023

The United Nations launched the International Day of the Girl Child as a global festival aimed at recognizing the unique problems that girls confront and fighting for their rights. It serves as a heartbreaking reminder of the enormous potential that teenage girls possess, as well as the critical need of providing them with the support and opportunity they require to become empowered change-makers in our world.

In a world-full of beautiful creations of God, there is one beautiful creation that tops the list is a Girl-Child! Imagine a world without them! Seems almost impossible. Right? We cannot disagree about the fact that nurturing girl-child can lead us to better future. The International Day of the Girl Child serves as a powerful reminder that investing in girls is an investment in the future, one that ensures the rights and potential of half of humanity are fully realized.

GWL has taken a step forward and brought a sense of thought about this important event and girl-child’s beautiful importance in this very own world of ours!

Let’s see where it all started!

The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, issued in 1995, represented a watershed point in history by recognizing girls' rights for the first time. Forward to December 19, 2011, when the United Nations designated October 11 as International Day of the Girl Child.

This day is an important milestone in recognizing and campaigning for girls' rights, as well as emphasizing the particular issues they confront across the world.

The International Day of the Girl Child highlights the importance of confronting the obstacles that girls experience and empowering them to exercise their human rights.

This day recognizes the enormous potential of teenage girls, who, if properly nurtured, have the capacity to transform the world. Investing in their future not only protects their rights now, but also ensures a more egalitarian and prosperous future for all of mankind.

Here's a list of five incredible organizations working tirelessly to support and uplift the girl child:

Plan Canada: Standing Strong for Girls

Plan International Canada is a global organization devoted to advocating for children's rights, particularly those of girls. They work in over 80 countries in collaboration with children, families, supporters, community-based groups, and governments.

Their aim is unwavering: to create a just society that advances children's rights and gender equality. The five-year All Girls Standing Strong (AGSS) strategy aims to accelerate the progress of girls' rights. Plan Canada is dedicated to achieving gender equality as quickly as possible, with a vision that is as inspirational as it is vital.

Let Girls Learn: Unlocking Potential through Education

Educating a girl means transforming her neighbourhood and the globe. Unfortunately, more than 62 million females throughout the world are not enrolled in school, with half of them being teenagers.

Let Girls Learn is a U.S. government effort initiated by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to equip teenage girls with great education in order to fully empower them.

Education not only changes a person's fate, but it also strengthens families and communities. This campaign aims to remove impediments that prevent females from obtaining an education.

Girl Up: Transformative Leadership for Girls

Girl Up is a girl-centered leadership development effort with a goal of attaining parity for girls and women in underrepresented spaces. They run a global network of regional affiliates that reach 200,000 girls and young leaders in 152 countries and all 50 states in the United States.

The purpose of Girl Up is to empower young leaders in their Passionate Action for social change, ensuring that gender justice is promoted globally. Accountability is key to their principles, and they rely on input from their Global Community to stay committed.

Girl Effect: Unlocking the Power of Girls

Girl Effect is a global non-profit that creates media that girls desire, trust, and require. Their varied workforce and global partners are committed to empowering girls by including their perspectives, needs, and motivations into their work.

To ensure that girls are at the heart of their programs, they collaborate with Technology Enabled Girl Ambassadors (TEGAs) and Youth Advisory Panels. Female Effect is actively contributing to the empowerment of the female child by generating media that resonates with girls and encourages change.

Camfed: Changing Lives, One Girl at a Time

CAMFED views each person as an individual and understands that helping a girl entails more than just paying school expenses. They collaborate with rural communities, based on trust and respect for local knowledge.

CAMFED goes above and beyond the classroom by providing necessities such as clothes, literature, and sanitary protection. They also train teachers and young women to be peer mentors, enhance learning conditions, and foster Parent Support Groups, which donate their time and money to keep children in school. CAMFED's comprehensive strategy strives to achieve long-term change both within and outside of the classroom.


"Empowering a girl today shapes a more equitable and prosperous world for tomorrow."