
International Women's Day: 8 Global Women Leaders Share Words of Wisdom

By: GWL Team | Friday, 8 March 2024

Manna Abraham, Managing Director, Life Full Circle

Manna Abraham, Managing Director, Life Full Circle

Manna Abraham, Managing Director of Life Full Circle, is a visionary in holistic well-being. With a global impact, Manna developed the Emotion Memory Pattern Release Method and the 27 Dimensions of Being, recognized in 35 countries. Committed to transformative healing, Manna leads Life Full Circle, shaping lives through groundbreaking modalities and collective consciousness.

While inspiring the women in leadership, Manna shared her mantra to success remarking, “My success mantra revolves around evolving with each life phase and embracing a collective duty. Beyond individual pursuits, it's about fostering a charged collective consciousness, marked by personal leadership, emotional independence, and a shared responsibility for each other's well-being, leav­ing a lasting mark through meaningful contributions to the collective happiness of humanity.”