
6 TED Talks by Women Tech Experts that Decode the Future of AI

By: Supraja Mohanty, Correspondent | Friday, 22 December 2023

Does AI actually understand us?

By: Alona Fyshe

Alona Fyshe, an accomplished neural network expert and associate professor at the University of Alberta, takes center stage in her TED presentation, employing her broad experience to uncover the complexities of machine learning. Alona, known for her ability to explain complicated subjects, digs deeply into the basic question of whether artificial intelligence genuinely understands human language.

She advocates for a critical analysis of AI's metaphorical scratch pad, questioning traditional perceptions on its level of understanding, using the perceptive "Chinese room" analogy. Alona’s powerful presentation inspires a deep reassessment of AI's language comprehension, underlining the importance of going beyond surface-level interactions.

Quote- "If we only look at the input and output of AI, it's very easy to be fooled. We need to get inside the metaphorical room of AI to see what's happening. It's what's inside that counts."