
Reforming Environmentally Conscious Cotton Practices in Pakistan through Regenerative Cotton

By: Farah Iqbal, Managing Director, AFM Group | Monday, 1 July 2024

Farah Iqbal, a premier denim supplier, is specialized in sustainable practices. She leads a female-majority board company, driving innovation in recycled yarn, denim fabric production and eco-friendly garment solutions. Since 2006, she has spearheaded a transformative journey fostering a greener future through relentless commitment to innovation, sustainable business practices, community upliftment and a progressive outlook.

In a recent conversation with The Global Woman Leader Magazine, Farah discusses the impact of regenerative cotton farming in Pakistan on global textiles, emphasizing sustainability, ethical sourcing, and corporate social responsibility. She highlights women leaders' role in aligning these goals and envisioned implications for Pakistan’s socio-economic landscape, stressing the need for sustainable, equitable steps forward.

As a women director in the garment industry, how do you perceive the shift towards regenerative cotton farming in Pakistan impacting the global textile market, especially in terms of sustainability and ethical sourcing?

Pakistan’s transition toward regenerative cotton farming has a ripple effect on the global textile market, inspiring others to join our sustainable journey. Pakistan is increasingly recognized as a hub for sustainability and ethical sourcing and raises consumer demand for goods that are socially and environmentally conscious.

AFM is known for embracing circular economy concepts to reduce its environmental impact and prioritize ethical sourcing, ensuring that materials come from sources that are sustainable and transparent.

How do you believe the adoption of regenerative cotton farming aligns with the broader goals of corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship within the garment industry?

By embracing eco-friendly procedures, ensuring ethical sourcing, and creating sustainable products, AFM is a leading advocate for sustainability projects. The regenerative cotton farming project provides a sustainable supply chain while contributing to sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigate the effects of climate change. It also supports small-scale farmers, encourages fair labor practices, and engages local female farmers to improve livelihood and community development. These aspects of environmental stewardship are in line with our company's corporate social responsibility goals. Overall, it encourages innovation and transparency throughout the supply chain.

In light of the growing consumer demand for sustainable and ethically sourced products, how can the garment industry leverage regenerative cotton farming to strengthen its brand reputation and attract conscious consumers?

Projects such as regenerative cotton cultivation help to boost brand reputation and draw in ethical customers. It creates immersive experiences for all our buyers by sharing the real success stories of our farmers and offering comprehensive details on the regenerative cotton farming process using a continuous improvement approach. With certified Regenagri cotton, AFM presents sustainable collections to all our conscientious buyers and provides complete chain of custody by providing detailed information about the supply chain. These projects are continuously evaluated and enhance regenerative cotton farming techniques to guarantee the project's credibility and continued success.

We may successfully convey dedication to sustainability, draw in environmentally concerned customers, and enhance reputation. These are some tactics that can be implemented by brands.

As a woman leader in the garment industry, how do you see initiatives like regenerative farming empowering women within the agricultural and textile sectors?

Being a female-led company, AFM’s initiatives such as regenerative cotton farming project can empower women within the agricultural and textile sectors. We recognize the vital role women play in the value chain, from crop production to marketing, and are committed to ensuring their inclusion. The regenerative project not only supports women's economic empowerment but also addresses gender inequality, promoting a more inclusive and sustainable agricultural sector that has improved livelihoods and enhanced overall well-being of the community.

The project is designed to provide capacity building training to females from the farming community and cotton pickers. It enables them to earn more money during crop season by learning new skills required for regenerative farming, such as soil management and biodiversity conservation, clean cotton picking. They receive access to resources such as training, premium cost, and technology for economic independency.

AFM’s regenerative project recognizes women's contributions from agriculture sector to textile, as they are taking on leadership positions, influencing decision-making and driving change. By challenging traditional gender norms, we are fostering a community that values gender equality and promotes sustainable agriculture practices, enabling women to connect with all shareholders from cotton industry, share knowledge, and build support networks within textile sector.

In your opinion, what are the key benefits that regenerative cotton farming brings to the garment industry in terms of environmental impact, social responsibility, and economic viability?

AFM’s regenerative project will significantly contribute to global climate change mitigation efforts by reducing emissions, sequestering carbon, and enhancing climate resilience. We are confident that this endeavor will have a profound impact on the entire cotton value chain. AFM is committed to scaling up regenerative cotton farming practices, collaborating with all stakeholders to promote sustainable agriculture, and improving environmental and social responsibility. By adopting regenerative agriculture, we can significantly enhance soil health, biodiversity, water quality, and availability, while also supporting the well-being of farmers and their communities through improved soil fertility, reduced costs, and increased yields, thereby ensuring economic viability, and fostering a positive transformation in the denim industry.

What do you envision as the long-term implications of widespread adoption of regenerative cotton farming for both the garment industry and the broader socio- economic landscape of Pakistan? What steps do you believe are necessary to ensure a sustainable and equitable future for all stakeholders involved?

The adoption of regenerative cotton farming enables us to actualize our sustainability vision, aligning with the values of our customers who share the same commitment to environmental stewardship where we aim to empower farmer communities across the value chain to ensure traceability, integrity, and custody of regeneratively produced content in products, from farm to finished goods.

The regenerative cotton project is enhancing soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services while mitigating climate change. Moreover, it offers economic opportunities for small-scale farmers, contributing to poverty alleviation and improved livelihoods, with potential access to additional funding through carbon credits and environmental incentives.

It is also stablishing benchmarks to achieving optimal outcomes, and this is accomplished by engaging all stakeholders in a collaborative effort towards a shared long-term vision. Continuous on-farm improvement is facilitated through the adoption of regenerative practices, with regular assessments quantifying progress and ensuring compliance with social fairness and animal welfare standards, transforming the socio-economic landscape, significantly reduce carbon emissions, promote eco-friendly farming practices, and foster ecosystem wellness while producing premium cotton.

This integrated approach combines environmental and social impact assessments under a single framework, supporting community development and gender empowerment initiatives. By advancing a culture of continuous improvement and collective responsibility, we can drive meaningful change and create a sustainable future for all stakeholders.