
Smart Grids & Digital Twins: The New Frontiers of Sustainable Manufacturing

By: Montserrat Grima, Managing Director, Yokogawa | Thursday, 29 August 2024

Montserrat Grima, a distinguished leader in renewable energy and automation, excels in driving innovation in hydrogen projects and automation solutions. As a CEO and consultant, she blends technical expertise with strategic insights, mentors emerging leaders, and champions diversity and inclusion in Europe's renewable energy sector.

In a conversation with The Global Woman Leader Magazine, Montserrat explores the latest renewable energy trends with transformative potential for industry, the role of AI in boosting automation machinery efficiency, and strategies for balancing digitalization with sustainability in energy-intensive sectors. She also shares unique market insights and tailored business strategies.

Considering your expertise in energy efficiency, what are the latest trends or technologies in renewable energy that you see having the most significant potential to revolutionize the industrial sector? How can companies in automation machinery manufacturing effectively adopt these innovations?

The industrial sector is at a critical juncture where integrating renewable energies has become a necessity rather than an option. As global energy consumption in industries continues to rise, adopting efficient and sustainable solutions is essential for reducing emissions and enhancing economic performance.

Among the most transformative technologies is green hydrogen production. This promising development has the potential to revolutionize energy-intensive industries like heavy manufacturing and steel production by enabling hydrogen production close to the point of consumption, minimizing losses. Producing hydrogen through electrolysis using renewable sources like wind and solar offers a clean alternative to fossil fuels.

To successfully adopt these innovations, companies must strategically focus on and invest in implementing IoT, AI, and smart manufacturing practices. This approach will ensure they remain competitive while contributing to a more sustainable future.

With your extensive experience in implementing AI tools for business productivity, what are the most impactful ways you believe AI can enhance efficiency in the automation machinery manufacturing industry? How can organizations best integrate these tools to ensure a smooth transition?

As humans, we naturally gravitate towards anything that offers positive impacts, such as efficiency and optimization. In the automation machinery manufacturing industry, AI holds immense transformative potential across the entire value chain. One of its most significant contributions is in predictive maintenance, where the combination of IoT sensors and AI algorithms provides real-time, robust analysis of machinery and installations. This proactive approach minimizes unplanned downtime, extends equipment lifespan, and reduces maintenance costs.

AI also plays a crucial role in optimizing production processes by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify inefficiencies and recommend adjustments, leading to enhanced productivity and cost savings. Integrating AI tools with existing manufacturing execution systems (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms allows for seamless workflow adjustments. AI’s impact extends further, improving supply chain management, human-machine collaboration, energy management, and quality control, securing its role in the future of manufacturing.

How can the industrial sector balance the demand for increased digitalization with the need for sustainable practices, particularly in energy-intensive industries like pulp and paper or metal manufacturing?

Energy-intensive industries can achieve a balance through digitalization. Sustainability is largely dependent on digitalization, as optimizing energy use, integrating renewable energies, and adopting circular economy practices are only possible with digital tools like AI and IoT. These tools enable real-time energy management, predictive maintenance, and process optimization, all of which are crucial for reducing waste and emissions.

Today, digital twins can simulate and enhance production processes, and we have digital tools for workforce education, collaboration in R&D, and alignment with environmental standards. Digitalization drives sustainability by making operations smarter and more efficient, ensuring that growth aligns with environmental responsibility. The level of digitalization within an industry is a strong indicator of its sustainability efforts and success.

What role do you see renewable energy playing in the future of automation machinery manufacturing? How can companies in this sector adapt their operations to support and benefit from this shift?

Renewable energy will be a must in the automation machinery manufacturing, so, as it is not an option, to adopt, companies should integrate Renewable Energy, including Green Hydrogen, in a ring system, the Decarbonization of one industry can be use as base of Energy source in other. Also, the energy sources can be closer to the place of consume, Smart grids can balance energy demand with renewable supply, ensuring compatibility and efficiency. It is necessary to invest in R&D and innovate in renewable-powered technologies and storage solutions, in general is a change in the Energy view of Industry, instead to see the energy just a mandatory cost We can see the energy integrated in the Value chain of our company and also as part of our production, the industry needs to manage their own energy in a holistic approach, with that manufacturing processes will become more energy efficient and environmental friendly.

As a consultant and advisor for the drives business in southern Europe, what unique insights have you gained about market-specific challenges and opportunities, and how can businesses tailor their strategies to address these nuances?

In Southern Europe, renewable energy holds significant importance today and promises a healthy future. The drives business here faces unique challenges, such as fluctuating energy prices across countries, regulatory complexities, and a strong push for sustainability. However, there are substantial opportunities in sectors like renewable energy integration, particularly green hydrogen, and energy efficiency retrofits.

Green hydrogen relies on renewables, and Southern Europe is ideally positioned to lead in this area, thanks to abundant sun and wind resources, robust networks, and a long history of technological development. To succeed, businesses must tailor strategies by focusing on energy-efficient solutions that align with local regulations and sustainability goals. Embracing green hydrogen, adapting to market demands for decarbonization, and integrating smart technologies like IoT for real-time monitoring are essential. Leveraging local partnerships and understanding regional energy dynamics will also be crucial for capitalizing on emerging opportunities.