
Staying Successful: Navigating Life after the Summit

By: Rebecca Bustamante, CEO, Asia CEO Events | Monday, 10 June 2024

A renowned female entrepreneur and motivational speaker in Southeast Asia, Rebecca is inspiring audiences in the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, and Macau. She organizes major events for senior business leaders in key cities, attracting up to 5,000 attendees.

A decade back, I wrote my story of conquering the odds, from being a maid to becoming the Filipino president of an international firm of executive search and selection. This book is not just about my progress; it is about what I think about defeat and challenges as well as, the most essential part, staying victorious.

Today, I draw from a pivotal chapter in my book titled “Staying Successful in Life.” While much has been written about climbing the ladder to success, I want to address a question that all successful individuals inevitably face: “Now what?”

To grasp this, one has to imagine that for many successful people, the idea was once a distant, almost hallucinatory concept. This is the “What?” Once this is acknowledged, a shift in mindset occurs, allowing one to truly appreciate their success the “So what?”

But, when success is attained, people often find themselves asking the next logical question: Now what? This concept is complex. In some ways, it is like reaching the top of a mountain and then finding that there is still the down climb and the preparations that need to be made for the next ascent.

I hope to offer a better understanding of appreciating and maintaining the successes we encounter in our lives.

Continuously Strive for Higher Goals

Some individuals believe that once they achieve their goals, their journey is over. This can lead to complacency and falling behind.  It's essential to keep setting new goals, even after achieving significant success.

Incorporating goal-setting into our daily routine is crucial for achieving great success. I use the "SMART" criteria for setting my goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Setting vague or unrealistic goals is unproductive. Instead, we should establish attainable targets to work towards. These goals ensure that we stay on the path we have created for our success.

Remaining dedicated to our goals is vital. Straying from our objectives can lead to setbacks, even after we have reached success. By continually setting and striving for higher goals, we maintain momentum and continue to grow and excel.

Embracing Humility

Achieving a balanced work-life situation while climbing the corporate ladder requires maintaining humility. This often-overlooked virtue is essential for long-term success.

Some individuals become overly proud once they attain success, flaunting their wealth with extravagant purchases and careless spending. Such behavior can backfire, alienating others and hindering further progress.

On the other hand, humility attracts support and trust, as people are more likely to believe in your mission. True humility isn’t about putting yourself down; it's about being authentic and honest. It means valuing and respecting others regardless of their status, recognizing that everyone deserves appreciation and respect.

By practicing humility, you can strengthen relationships and continue to grow both personally and professionally.

Staying Grateful

Gratitude reflects our appreciation for the people around us, our accomplishments, and the life we lead. It's unrealistic to say we are entirely self-made, as many people—parents, friends, teachers, bosses—contribute to our success.

I am most grateful to God for the wonderful life He has given me. When I worked as a maid in my younger years, I never imagined I would become the president and CEO of my own company.

Aside from those genuinely kind to me, I am also grateful to those who treated me poorly, as they inspired me to strive harder and achieve success.

Life Is A Journey

All life is a journey and success is just one of the stops we will make, a pause to reflect on what has been, and an opportunity to imagine the future that lies ahead. We never lose ourselves in the process.

May your dreams come true and may you achieve success in finding your role in God’s grand and majestic plan.

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