such as women's participation in high-profile leadership positions, and its effect on gender discrimination in bank financing conditions.When summarizing the two factors, we come to a point that women in countries with conservative political ideology in their governance, counter greater gender bias in financing for entrepreneurship. In addition to the gender bias, women entrepreneurs have to pay higher business loan interest rates as compared to men entrepreneurs. This not only slows down the growth rate of women in business but also weakens their optimism towards running a business in such scenarios.The second factors indicate towards a society that consider women in leadership position as threats. This perception is somewhere becoming a vital concern in terms of women not getting the access for funding.ADVOCATING FOR VOLUNTEERISM If we continue to live in a society where women are getting enough opportunities, especially when it comes to financing for their businesses to grow, then we would never be able to cancel out the gender disparity for ages. By assisting women and supporting them, we, as a society can improvise the lifestyle of women, globally. With the elimination of gender bias, the economy of each country would also get better because of the increase in workforce and greater participation of women in the business sector.
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